Aghababyan Larisa Rubenovna
Head of the Department, PhD, Acting Professor
time: |
Monday-Saturday: 08:30-14:00 |
Tel: | +998 (91) 555 24 11 |
E-mail: | |
Address: |
Samarkand, M. Kashgari str., 75 |
Staff of the department
Kamalov Anvar Ibragimovich
Subjects taught: |
Akusherlik va ginekologiya |
Tel: | +998 (91) 337 38 91 |
Courses: |
Nasirova Zebiniso Azizovna
Subjects taught: |
Akusherlik va ginekologiya |
Tel: | +998 (91) 557 00 06 |
Courses: |
Axmedova Aziza Tayirovna
Subjects taught: | Akusherlik va ginekologiya |
Tel: | +998 (97) 399 44 35 |
Courses: |
Abdullaeva Lola Sayfullaevna
Subjects taught: | Akusherlik va ginekologiya |
Tel: | +998 (93) 338 07 07 |
Courses: |
Zakirov Farxod Istamovich
Subjects taught: | Akusherlik va ginekologiya |
Tel: | +998 (97) 398 98 96 |
Courses: |
Boborakhimova Umida Musayevna
Subjects taught: | Akusherlik va ginekologiya |
Tel: | |
Courses: |
The faculty was organized in 1980 on September 29 by order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the structure of the Samarkand State Medical Institute. Associate Professor Izrail Gavrilovich Priev was appointed the first dean of the faculty.
At that time, a course on Obstetrics and Gynecology was organized at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical Faculty of the Samarkand State Medical Institute, led by Academician I. Z. Zakirov. The first head of the course was associate professor Angela Yakubova Norovna. The course teacher was Shirin Khatamovna Ibadova, PhD.
Akademik Islom Zoxidovich Zokirov
Since 1983, the course was separated and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the FUV was formed on the basis of the 2nd maternity hospital in Samarkand (1983-1989). Associate Professor Melikulov Kholmurod Melikulovich became the head of the department. A competent teacher Melikulov H.M. was one of the leading teachers of an interdisciplinary course, a professional module in obstetrics and gynecology. Having a broad life and professional outlook, a high level of self-education and self-development, Melikulov H.M. used active and interactive forms of classes in the educational process in combination with extracurricular work for the formation and development of general and professional competencies of students.
The staff of the department were associate professor Nabieva Maryam Abduganievna, Khasanova Zebo Sharipovna (Ph.D.) and Akhmedzhanova Maria Bekzhanovna (Ph.D.).
From 1988-1989, the position of head of the department was temporarily filled by associate professor Nabieva Maryam Abduganievna.
Since 1989, the head of the department was elected Ph.D., associate Professor Safarov Aliaskar Tursunovich. Safarov A.T. combined the work of the head of the department with the duties of the chief physician of the maternity hospital No. 2, on the basis of which the department was located. This made it possible to effectively combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills of course takers of obstetricians and gynecologists who were trained at the department
Safarov Aliaskar Tursunovich
In 1995, the department was transferred to the Regional Perinatal Center. Associate Professor Kholmurod Melikulovich Melikulov, who simultaneously served as the director of the center, was elected head of the department.
Since 2002, the head of the department was elected Ph.D., Associate Professor Safarov Aliaskar Tursunovich, who headed the department until 2020.
Since 2020, the department has been headed by Associate Professor, Ph.D. Larisa Rubenovna Agababyan. The purposeful systematic activity of Agabayan L.R. to improve pedagogical skills allows course takers to achieve high results in mastering the educational program of the professional module in obstetrics and gynecology.
Agababyan Larisa Rubenovna
Professor D.N.Abdullaev, Professor U.O.Hashimov, Ph.D. M.K.Haydarova worked at the department in different years.
More than 200 specialists are annually qualified at the faculty. Over these years, more than 80 residents of the magistracy and more than 100 clinical residents have graduated.
The main goal of our department is to prepare a mature specialist with a spiritual and pedagogical education, along with the training of a highly qualified doctor. At the department, spiritual and educational work is carried out on the basis of an approved plan. A.I. Kamalov, who is responsible for this work on the course, coordinates and organizes, ensures a high level of educational work between the teaching staff and the students of the department. Spiritual and educational activities at the department are organized as follows:
- Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan is celebrated on September 1 as the greatest and most precious value;
- To ensure that the "Informational spiritual and educational hours" at the department are held at a high level, as indicated in the schedule of classes;
- Wide involvement of students in culture, art, physical culture and sports, formation of skills of competent use of information technologies, popularization of reading.
Also, during the week, teachers of the department acquaint students, residents of the magistracy and clinical residents with the works and speeches of President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, decrees and decisions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers, constantly improve and improve the universal, national and spiritual worldview and qualities that help to educate a mature generation.
Round tables are held among those present on the following topics:
- successful implementation and development of creative reforms in the republic;
- formation of a healthy lifestyle philosophy among the younger generation;
- increase of political and legal culture among young people;
- timely informing students about socio-political and creative events taking place in the world and the country;
- formation of a healthy spiritual environment among the population;
In our country, the healthcare system has a number of tasks aimed at improving the quality of medical services provided to the population in accordance with international standards, including early diagnosis and reduction of complications of diseases in women of reproductive age. In this regard, one of our goals is to organize round tables at the department with the involvement of students, masters, clinical residents.
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology trains cadets of the Faculty of FGDO in the discipline "Obstetrics and Gynecology".
The department also trains clinical residents and residents of the Master's degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has established cooperation relations with professors and teachers of other medical universities of our republic, during the academic year information is exchanged on the specialty. The training is conducted according to the following approved documents for each course and faculty:
- Qualification characteristics;
- State standard;
- Curriculum;
- Educational work program;
- Educational technologies; which include:
- • Order No. 160 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- • approved standards and protocols;
- • international recommendations;
- as well as modern educational technologies (graphic organizers, case technology and project method).
The following technical means are available during the training:
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has a telecommunication system for organizing the educational process, videos, presentations, multimedia programs, lectures and practical classes; videos on the topic are shown using televisions connected to a central computer. There is a single bank of scanned images designed for unified training based on the curriculum and corresponding to all sections of the curriculum.
Library of the department:
- The library has more than 80 titles of educational literature in English, Uzbek and Russian.
- The electronic library includes textbooks, atlases, textbooks, teaching aids, etc.
The library of the department is regularly updated annually. The staff of the department together with other medical universities, colleges and technical institutes of our republic create textbooks, teaching aids, monographs.
To work with patients related to the topic, diagnostic practice is organized for all patients through clinical examinations, instrumental studies (ultrasound, colposcope), laboratory research methods.
Every year, according to the plan, open lectures and classes are held.

The research work of the department is carried out to educate the younger generation in the spirit of commitment to the ideas of independence, the formation of legal culture of youth, philosophical problems of modern medical science, various aspects of the history of the state of Uzbekistan. All employees of the department actively participate in the research work of the department and the university.
Currently, out of 6 employees: 1 -Candidate of Medical Sciences and/or professor, 1 - Doctor of Philosophy, and/or associate professor; 4 - Doctors of Philosophy, assistants. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has 100% scientific potential.
Over the past 5 years, the staff of the department has published more than 200 scientific papers, including 1 textbook, 9 textbooks, 2 monographs, more than 50 lecture programs, more than 250 articles in leading republican and international journals
1. Master class "Principles of making OSCE test tasks" with the participation of Professor of the Royal College of General Practitioners of Great Britain, Medical Director for International Accreditation RCGP (Great Britain) Anwar Ali Khan.
2. Master class "Medical abortion, contraception" by the doctor of the London Churchill Medical Center (Great Britain) A. Alekseeva -Khan.
Textbooks published by the staff of the department
№ |
Authors |
Name of the textbook |
1 |
Agababyan L.R., Nasirov Z.A. |
Emergency assistance in obstetrics |
2 |
Agababyan L.R., Nasirov Z.A. |
Emergency care in obstetrics |
3 |
Agababyan L.R., Nasirov Z.A. |
Skills of clinical training in counseling on modern methods of contraception |
4 |
Agababyan L.R., Nasirov Z.A. |
Urgent cases in obstetrics |
5 |
Agababyan L.R., Nasirov Z.A. |
Pregnancy and extragenital pathology |
6 |
Agababyan L.R., Nasirov Z.A. |
Hormonal contraception in women with gynecological and somatic pathology |
7 |
Agababyan L.R., Nasirov Z.A. |
Hormonal contraception from the position of evidence-based medicine |
8 |
Agababyan L.R. |
Family planning monitoring tools |
9 |
Agababyan L.R. |
Modern methods of contraception and family planning at the primary health care level |
№ |
Authors |
Textbook |
1 |
Agababyan L.R. |
Gynecology |
№ |
Authors |
Monography |
1 |
Agababyan L.R. |
PCOS Overcoming infertility: from natural fertility restoration to in vitro fertilization |
2 |
Negmadzhanov B.B., Agababyan L.R., Nasirova Z.A. |
Possibilities of female reproductive health jumping colitis after caesarean section |
The internationalizing objectives of SSMU are determined by the institute development concept and are aimed at strengthening positions in the international educational space.
Foreign students amount increasing, developing joint projects with foreign universities and research centers, growing the proportion of scientific and pedagogical workers teaching in foreign educational institutions, rising joint educational programs with foreign universities including double diplomas issuance - are all among the main priorities of SSMU internationalization.
Samarkand State Medical Institute is developing international relations, based on the principle of equal rights of all partners participating in international cooperation and academic exchange, and within the framework of more than 80 existing agreements on scientific and educational cooperation with government and international organizations, foreign universities and research centers. Cooperation with universities in Europe, Asia, North America and the CIS the development of dialogue is based on a joint program and educational mobility.
Every year, the number of highly qualified specialists, professors, students and researchers abroad who visit Samarkand State Medical University in order to establish cooperation, study, improve skills, participate in scientific conferences is increasing.
Samarkand State Medical University is ready to communicate with educational and science centers, universities, public organizations around the world, and the doors of the institute are open to all applicants, students, applicants and teachers abroad.
Cooperation geography: the Department has communication and cooperation dialogues with more than 7 higher educational institutions and research centers in nearby and distant foreign countries:
- London Churchill Medical Center (UK)
- Royal College of General Practitioners of Great Britain
- Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University. (Kyrgyzstan)
- Voronezh State Medical University (Russia)
- In the health program-reproductive health/maternal and child care (Hamburg)
- Formation of the powers of a doctor of the 21st century: teaching patient-oriented communication skills (Project 21 (Greece)
- Sexual and reproductive health association KMPA (Kazakhstan)
- Kyrgyz state Medical Institute for retraining and professional development. S. B. Daniyorova (Kyrgyzstan