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Department of Neurology with Neurosurgery Course

Khakimova Sohiba Ziyodulaevna

Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, FPDO

Reception time:


phone number:

+998 (90) 505 89 36

E-mail: hakimovasohiba@list.ru

Samarkand city, Navoi shoh street, 78

Staff of the department

Samiev Aslidin Saitovich PhD, assistant



phone number:

+998 (97) 289 70 77

Teaching courses:

Clinical residents

Yuldoshev Shavqiddin Sayfiyevich PhD, assistant



phone number:

+998 (90) 228 82 82

Teaching courses: Clinical residents

Khamdamova Bakhora Komilzhonovna Assistant



phone number:

+998 (99) 770 04 49

Teaching courses:

Clinical residents

Qodirov Umid Arziqulovich Assistant



phone number:

+998 (99) 445 72 38

Teaching courses:

Clinical residents

Soibnazarov Orzuqul Ernazarovich Assistant



phone number:

+998 (97) 916 53 76

Teaching courses:

Clinical residents

Muzaffarova Nargiza Shukhratovna Assistant



phone number:

+998 (90) 228 99 88

Teaching courses:

Clinical residents


    In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the rector of SamMI, a course of Neurology was organized at the Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education on January 1, 1983. The clinical base of the department from 1983 to 1995. was clinic N2 SamMI.

    The first head of the course was Aslanov Anvar Mamanovich, who was born on June 22, 1941.

    Aslanov A.N. graduated from the Samarkand Medical Institute in 1964. In the same year he was enrolled in clinical residency at the Department of Neurology. In 1969 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, in 1980 - his doctoral thesis.

    During the work of Aslanov A.M. was the supervisor of 4 candidate dissertations. He has 77 scientific works, 8 of them are teaching aids, 2 monographs: "Hereditary diseases" and "Ataxia in children", a textbook on nervous diseases was published in Uzbek.

    The recognized works of A.M. Aslanov were: Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “The exchange of copper and iron in rheumatic chorea” in 1969. In 1981, a doctoral thesis was defended on the topic: "Systemogenesis of coordinating functions and their disorders in children" under the guidance of Professor L.O. Badalyan. In 1989, Professor A.M. Aslanov published a textbook "Ataxia in children". - Tashkent: Medicine of the Uzbek SSR, 1989. - 159 p. (B-ka practical doctor). Professor Aslanov A.M. led the neurology course until 2001.

    Since 1995, the Department of Neurology has been reorganized by the course, under the guidance of Professor Alaev Boris Azarovich, born in 1943.Further, in 1995; the course of neurology was transferred to the neurological department at the first city medical association.

    Based on the order numbered 204 (1998 June 29), the Department of Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation was attached to the course of Neurology, after which the course was reorganized into a department under the direction of Professor A.M. Aslanova.

    At the Department of Neurology, thanks to the activities of professors A.M. Aslanov and B.A. Alaev, a scientific and clinical school has developed, including several generations of scientists and clinicians who occupy leading positions in the country in the study of vertebrology and other movement disorders, cognitive disorders, neurogenic pain syndromes. Specialists who are pupils of the school work not only at the department, but also in various scientific and clinical institutions of Samarkand and other regions of our country. The main distinguishing features of the school is a systematic integrated approach based on the unity of clinical neurology, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy and neuropsychology.

    The activity of the founders and pupils of the school was expressed in the creation of clinical publications. The research program of the school is based on modern conceptual and methodological approaches, the formation of a unified medical and scientific style.

    In 2001, the department was again renamed the course of neurology, which until 2002 was headed by Ph.D. Askarova N.K.

    In 2002, physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation were added to the Department of Neurology. The head of the department was appointed Ph.D. Associate Professor Samibaev R. M. In 2007, the Department of Neurology was reorganized by the course.Rustam Matlyubovich Samibaev was born in 1954, in 1971 he entered the Samarkand Medical Institute and graduated with honors in 1977. In the same year, he became a clinical intern at the Department of Therapy at the N2 Clinic of SamMI, then worked as an intern there. In 1981, he entered graduate school in Moscow, in 1985 he completed his Ph.D. thesis on “Electromyographic methods of investigation in vertebrogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy”. In 1999, Samibaev R.M. founded the Department of Traditional Medicine, which he headed. Since 2002, he has been appointed head of the Department of Neurology at SamMI. In 2005, R.M. Samibaev was awarded the degree of associate professor.

    R.M. Samibaev more than 80 scientific works, including 18 international, 7 rationalization proposals, 14 methodological recommendations. He is a participant in international conferences held in Moscow and Tashkent. He improved his qualifications at medical institutes in Moscow, Kyiv and Tashkent.

    In 1989, he was recognized as the laureate of the prize of the academician of sciences of Uzbekistan for scientific works.

    He is the supervisor of 1 PhD dissertation.

    In 2017, Khakimova Sohiba Ziyadullaevna, born in 1967, was appointed head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the FPDO. In 1991, S. Khakimova graduated from SamMI, in 2009 she defended her thesis on the topic: “Clinics and neurological features of facial nerve neuropathy against the background of chronic cerebral ischemia.” Certificate of advanced training No. 302407567502 "Innovative technologies in the system of higher medical education" (36 hours) FSBEI Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 03.12.2018, Certificate of Specialist No. TA0042 "Introductory Department for Trainers" for teachers of departments of Higher Medical Educational Institutions (48 hours) from 09.11.2019. author and co-author of more than 200 publications (including 5 monographs) on the problems of neuropathy of the facial nerve against the background of CCI, as well as the features of venous blood flow in diabetic encephalopathy, dorsopathy and headache in children. Author and co-author of a number of methodological manuals and recommendations: "Neurobrucellosis" 2018, "Rehabilitation measures for chronic pain syndrome in lesions of the peripheral nervous system" 2020, "Diagnosis and treatment of patients with cerebral infarction" 2019, "Clinical and neurological features of patients with neurobrucellosis (psychovegetative aspects )” 2020. She makes presentations at international symposiums and conferences, regularly lectures to doctors of various specialties as part of visiting cycles in the regions. In 2021 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain syndrome in dorsopathies of various origins”.In March 2021, the course of neurology and neurosurgery was renamed the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery.

    Currently, the following teachers work at the department:

    Head of the Department, MD, Assoc. Khakimova S.Z. assistant, Ph.D. Samiev A.S. assistants: Khamdamova B.K., Kodirov U.A., Soibnazarov O.E. and neurosurgeon, Ph.D. Yuldashev Sh.S.

    3 doctoral and 4 candidate dissertations were defended at the department

    The staff of the department published: 3 textbooks on Neurology, one of them in Uzbek. 15 monographs and more than 450 scientific papers.

     Scientific direction of the department.

    1. "To study the main neurovascular, etiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of chronic pain syndrome in vertebrology, probing the participation of chronic infections and inflammation biomarkers in the formation of a pathological focus, with further modernization of therapeutic tactics."

    2. The role of modern digital technologies in monitoring, studying, predicting, controlling the course and treating chronic pain syndromes in vertebrology.

    Neurologists from Samarkand, Jizzakh, Bukhara, Khorezm, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions improve their skills at the Department of Neurology.


  The neurologists course has a well-established work on spiritual and educational work of students. Leisure of clinical residents and cadets, future specialists is also carried out in cultural and mass work. One of the main activities of the course is the formation of high moral values, fostering interest in professional activities, the need for a healthy lifestyle, and attracting students to cultural events of the Institute. To achieve the goals of the Department, a curator from among experienced teachers is assigned to the groups. Under the guidance of curators, cadets actively participate in public events, organize cultural leisure, visit historical monuments and attractions of Samarkand, theaters and museums.

 As the Eastern wisdom says- " it is Impossible to separate education from education and Vice versa education from education." The faculty annually qualifies more than 200 specialists.


  Educational and methodical work at the faculty is organized in accordance with the educational normative and legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

  Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education (August 29, 1997).

  National training program (August 29, 1997).

  Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, no. PP-2909, 20.04.2017 "On measures for further development of the higher education system»

  Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 27.07.2017 N PP-3151 " on measures to further expand the participation of industries and sectors of the economy in improving the quality of training of specialists with higher education"

  Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2956 dated may 5, 2017 "on measures for further reform of the medical education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan»;

  Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4310 dated may 6, 2019 "on measures for further development of the system of medical and pharmaceutical education and science»;

  Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. up-5590 dated December 7, 2018 "on comprehensive measures to radically improve the health care system of the Republic of Uzbekistan»;

  Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 10, 2012 No. 242 " on measures to further improve the system of professional development and retraining of senior and pedagogical personnel of secondary special and professional educational institutions»;

  Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 04, 2017 No. 174 "on additional measures to improve the system of professional development and retraining of medical workers»;

  State requirements for the management and organization of the system of professional development and retraining of health workers O'z DSt 3322: 2018;

  Order of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 12, 2012 No. 170 " on approval of the nomenclature of medical (medical) and pharmaceutical specialties and positions, compliance of the level of education received to the position held in institutions of the Ministry of health»;

  Order of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 202 dated July 12, 2012 "on the terms and procedure for advanced training and retraining of doctors in institutions of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan»;

  Order of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 204 dated July 12, 2012 "on requirements for the content of training programs in the system of advanced training and retraining of medical workers and the procedure for their approval»;

  Order of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 210 of July 16, 2012 " on approval of the Procedure for preparing, storing and issuing certificates and certificates in the system of advanced training and retraining of medical workers»;

  Order of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 13, 2015 No. 445 "on amendments to the nomenclature of medical specialties, medical positions, terms and procedure for advanced training and specialization of doctors";

  standard training programs and other regulatory documents.

  The research interests of the course are: diseases of the peripheral nervous system, vertebrology, neuroinfections.


  1. Badalyan L. O., Aslanov a.m. "Ataxia in children". Tashkent: Medicine of the Uzbek SSR, 1989. - 159s.

  2. Khakimova S. Z., Mavlyanova Z. F. "features of facial nerve neuropathy against the background of chronic brain ischemia" Samarkand, 2010, 134c

  3. Khakimova S. Z., Mavlyanova Z. F. "Features of venous blood flow in diabetic encephalopathy" Samarkand, 2020, 104c

  4. Samiev A. S. "Bel sahasi spondylosis of radiculopathies the rehabilitation of tadbir" Samarkand, 2020, 114с.

  5. Nasretdinova M.T., Khakimova S.Z. "Vestibular disorders". Samarkand, 2021, 125s.

  6. S.Z. Khakimova. G. U. Samieva. “Modern aspects of clinical and neurological examination of patients with chronic pain syndrome in dorsopathies of various origins” Samarkand, 2022, 125p.

  7. S.Z.Khakimova., A.T. Jurabekov. “Clinico-psychopathological and vegetative features of patients with chronic pain syndrome in dorsopathies of various origins” Samarkand, 2022, 135p.


  The scientific work of the course is based on the Law adopted by the Legislative chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan on July 22 and approved by the Senate on October 11, 2019 "on science and scientific activity" No. ZRU-576.

  The scientific work of the course staff has always been carried out in close connection with the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and the requirements of practical health care.at present, it is aimed at solving problems identified by the state program for the development of science and technology.

  It is noteworthy that employees of the Department take part in competitions for applications for grants to perform their research.

  Over the past 3 years, more than 112 scientific papers have been published based on the results of completed research works, including 62 abroad.

International Russian-Uzbek Congress of Neurologists at SamMI


  Scientific and research work of students at the department of "DKTF neurology and neurosurgery", organization of meetings of the scientific circle of students called "Young neurologists", separate scientific and practical conferences of international and republican students held at Samarkand State Medical University.

  All students who are interested in the socio-humanitarian problems of medical knowledge and activity, the department calls for cooperation, encouraging the achievements of the members of the club.


    The internationalist tasks of Samarkand State Medical University are based on the concept of development of the institute, aimed at strengthening its place in the world of international education. The main advantages of internationalization are increasing the number of students from abroad, developing joint projects with foreign higher educational institutions and scientific research centers, increasing the number of researchers and teachers teaching in foreign educational institutions, and increasing the number of joint programs with foreign higher educational institutions that make it possible to issue two diplomas. is increasing.

    Samarkand State Medical University develops relations with more than 60 state and international organizations, foreign universities and scientific research centers with participants of international cooperation in the field of education and science based on the essence of equality. The development of cooperation dialogues with European, Asian, North American and CIS universities is based on joint programs and educational mobility.

    Every year, the number of highly qualified experts, professors, students and researchers from abroad who visit SamDTI in order to establish cooperation dialogues, study, improve their skills, participate in scientific conferences is increasing.

    SamDTI is ready to establish contacts with educational and scientific centers, universities, and public organizations around the world, and the doors of the institute are open to all applicants, students, researchers and teachers from abroad.

    Geography of cooperation: the department has communication and cooperation dialogues with more than 10 higher educational institutions and scientific research centers in near and far foreign countries:

  •  Colleagues in European countries:
  •  Medical University of Graz, Austria
  •  Higher educational school named after Pope John Paul II
  • University of Porto, Portugal