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  Erasmus+ “618829-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Harmonization And mutual Recognition of Master programmes in OccupatioNal and Environmental hEalth HARMONEE”.

Purpose of the project: harmonize training programmes in occupational health and the environment in the Central Asian region and gain recognition in European countries as well.


- Develop new modules to strengthen the disciplinary skills needed in environmental epidemiology, toxicology, infectious diseases, impact sciences, occupational health, risk assessment for master students.

– Build local capacity by training educators to develop and run master's programs in public health.

– Promote and expand the existing regional and international public health education network.

– Introduce an interdisciplinary approach to public health education.

Partners of Europe Union:

Milan University (Italy);

Universitty of Utrexta (Netherlands);

Partners of project:

International school of medicine (Republic of Kyrgyzstan);

Osh State University (Republic of Kyrgyzstan);

Samarkand Medical University (Uzbekistan);

Bukhara State Medical Institute (Uzbekistan).

Kazakh National Medical University (Kazakhstan);

Karaganda Medical University (Kazakhstan);

Semey Medical University (Kazakhstan);

Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibni Sino (Tajikistan);

Khujand State University (Tajikistan);