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Vice-rector for educational work

Yarmukhamedova Nargiza Anvarovna  

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Reception time: Friday from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tel: (0366)233-55-13
Fax: (0366)233-71-75
Address: Samarkand, st. Amir Temur, 18

Vice-rectors who have worked at the university for many years in academic affairs:

  Professor N.M. Kamalov 1970-1976,

  Associate Professor B. H. Vafokulov 1976-1981,

  Professor T.H. Nasretdinov 1981-1983,

  Professor V.Ya. Barakov 1983-1988,

  Associate Professor N.N. Dyukova 1988-1992,

  Professor A.M. Mamadaliev 1992-1995,

  Professor A.M. Aslanov 1995-1996,

  Professor B.S. Tursunov 1996-2005,

  Professor N.M. Khaitova 2005-2010,

  Professor Z.B. Kurbaniyazov 2010-2015,

  Associate Professor B.A. Yuldashev 2015-2020

  Nargiza Anvarovna Yarmukhamedova graduated from Samarkand State Medical Institute in 2002.

  In 2002-2004, she was a clinical resident at the Department of Infectious Diseases at Samarkand State  Medical Institute. Since 2004 she worked as an assistant, since 2013 as an associate professor at the Department of Infectious Diseases at SamSMI.

  From 2013 to the present day, she has been the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, and Dermatovenereology. From 2015 to February 2020, she was the head of the academic department of SamSMI. From 2020 to the present, she has been acting as vice-rector for academic affairs at Samarkand State Medical University.

  In 2010, she defended her PhD thesis “Clinical and laboratory characteristics of tick-borne typhus.”

  By decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Yarmukhamedov N.A. awarded the badges “Independent Uzbekistan is 25 years old” and “The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is 25 years old.”

  Yarmukhamedova N.A., a participant in many international conferences and seminars, has repeatedly undergone advanced training in foreign countries, namely in the UK, Austria, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, etc.

The main target tasks of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

  Carrying out organizational work to implement the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and training;

  Providing assistance in organizing the educational process;

  Organization of execution of orders and instructions of ministries and higher organizations, decisions of the Academic Council of the university, and orders of the university on educational work;

  Organization of the educational process, ensuring the training of qualified personnel on the basis of state educational standards;

  Ensure that all deans and departments, heads of departments, and teachers are fully aware of the set of requirements for the content of knowledge and level of training in accordance with state educational standards;

  Organization of execution of orders, instructions, and instructions of senior officials, resolutions of the Academic Council of the university, and orders of the rector;

  Studying trends in the development of the education system of developed countries, developing tools for the implementation of tasks outlined by the Law on Education, the national training program, and other educational laws, and ensuring their implementation;

  Preparation of proposals and organization of work in the area of activity;

  Coordination, organization and control of the work of departments and dean’s offices that provide the educational process;

  Approval of work plans for educational and methodological units, faculties, departments and monitoring their implementation;

  Development of proposals for the staffing of teaching and support staff for educational work, organization of work to provide departments and directions with qualified personnel;

  Taking measures against employees who have violated executive discipline, preparing proposals to terminate the contract with them;

  Conducting annual reports on the activities of departments, faculties, and departments, analysis and summing up, and assessing the educational activities of teaching staff using modern methods;

  Implementation of constant cooperation with universities in the educational process, ensuring the active participation of teaching staff in conferences, seminars, and interaction with local governments;

  Active participation in the ongoing internal certification of the university in the prescribed manner, preparation, and conduct of external certification.