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Primary trade union organization of Samarkand State Medical University.
In 1932, two years after the creation of the first Samarkand State Medical Institute in Central Asia, the primary organization of the trade union was created. Today the organization unites more than 1,400 trade union members. Including 2 Czech trade union organizations: teams from the University Academic Lyceum and the Research Institute of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. The union includes the 1st and 2nd graduates of General Medicine, Pediatrics, Medical Pedagogy, Higher Nursing and Traditional Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, International Education, Medical Prevention, Medical Biology and Postgraduate Education, Faculties of the Joint Program. education, rector's office and administrative department. Consists of a bureau and 8 commissions. Commissions on Social Insurance, Organizational and Social Affairs, Cultural and Social Affairs, Occupational Health and Safety, Sports and Health Promotion, Working with Children, Life and Life and Reconciliation.
Trade union groups operate in departments and other structural divisions.
Goals and objectives of the organization.
The trade union committee worked closely with the administration of the institute on the basis of a collective agreement concluded between them. The most important task of the trade union, together with the management, is to train qualified medical specialists, clinical registrars, and masters for the national economy of our country. The trade union organization pays special attention to protecting the social and legal interests of workers, timely payment of monthly wages, benefits and pensions, sick leave, and scholarships. The trade union organization focuses on various cultural and educational activities, sports and recreational activities, improving working and living conditions for workers, developing domestic tourism, and issues of labor protection and technical safety.
The university has a sports club. University athletes regularly take part in regional and national competitions and win prizes.
History of the department
At the Samarkand State Medical University, starting from 1932, the following professors and teachers worked as the chairman of the trade union in different years.
Professors A.I. Shumeiko, F.I. Shevchenko, A.V. Berezovskaya, M. V. Yastrebova, L. N. Lapin, M. K. Koraev, S. I. Kasyakin, N. F. Dokuchaeva, A. T. Shevchenko, A. G. Sarukhanova, A. Sh. Shukurov, V. Ya. Barakov, R. V. Sadrieva, Kh. Kh. Irgashev, T. A. Bobomuradov.
Associate Professors A.T.Tillyaev, L.K.Gusev, S.A.Aripov, L.Ya.Kalendarev, A.L.Lutfullaev, N.A.Yusupov, A.M.Rasulov, T.M.Musaev, U .B.Samiev, S.N.Naimov, A.Karimov, A.I.Ismailov, A.A.Davedan.
Associate Professor I.G.Priev, M.A.Aripov, V.Ayrapetov, Professor A.M.Aslanov, M.G.Gulomov, Y.Ruzmetov, G.Yu.Yusupov, A.M.Eshankulov as chairman of the student council , Z.A.Mukhitdinov, O.Ya.Yazdanov, T.A.Shomurodov, Uralov Sh.M., Zainiev S.S., Yunusov Sh.
Organization employees
– chairman of the trade union committee
Umarov Kamil Olimovich – accountant of the trade union committee
Committee members:
2.Shavazi Nurali Muhammad Ugli
3.Sodikov Naim Ochilovich
4.Stop Sharif Raufovich
5.HmUrzakova Khursheda Shomirzaevna
6.Kamalov Anvarzhon Ibrahimovich
7.Kadyrova Nodira Nosyrovna
8.Urakov Shakir Ulashovich
9.Daminova Kunduz Ruzikulovna
10.Shakarova Charos Amonkulovna
eleven.Temirov Fazliddin Nuriddinovich
12.Khudaykulov Shakarbai Khidirovich
13.Ergashev Anvar Ramazanovich
14.Mirzanova Munira Islamovna
15.Kodirov Nizomiddin Daminovich
Audit Committee:
16.Ganiev Utkir Gulomiddinovich
17.Ataboev Sherali Kuchkarovich
18.Aligulov is the son of Elmurad Shavkiddin.