avlat xaridlari va investitsiya loyihalari doirasida hamda ruxsat etish xususiyatiga ega hujjatlarni berish bo‘yicha tashkil etiladigan xarid komissiyalarning tarkibi to‘g‘risidagi ma’lumotlar, shu jumladan:xarid komissiyasi tarkibini tasdiqlash haqidagi qaror;xarid komissiyasi a’zolarining ma’lumotlari (familiyasi, ismi va otasining ismi, ish joyi va egallab turgan lavozimi).
Financial activities
Scholarships Members of the purchasing Commission Concluded public procurement contracts Execution of cost estimates Planned public procurement Direct contracts Motor vehiclesLatest news
20.03.2025Issues related to the development of 3P medicine were discussed with specialists from Germany 20.03.2025
The Festive Atmosphere of Navruz in Samarkand! 19.03.2025
Meeting with students of the Faculty of International Education of SamSMU 19.03.2025
Spiritual and educational meeting "Navruz - the cradle of values" 19.03.2025
Navruz was celebrated in the student dormitory of SamSMU 19.03.2025
The training seminar "Civil Protection and Emergency Month" 18.03.2025
International Scientific and Practical Conference on "Pressing Issues of Parasitic and Infectious Diseases" 16.03.2025
In-depth medical checking of the population in the Kushrabatsky district of the region 15.03.2025
The «Garden of Intelligentsia» has been created at SamSMU within the framework of the national project “Yashil Makon” 15.03.2025
Staff of SamSMU conducted medical examinations in Jizzakh region 14.03.2025
Meetings are held in secondary schools to enhance the medical culture of students 13.03.2025
The university held an open dialogue on the topic "The first step to public service"