- PF-5308-son 22.01.2018; About the State Program on implementation of the Action strategy on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 in the "Year of active entrepreneurship, support of innovative ideas and technologies"
- PF-4947-son 07.02.2017; On the Action Strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- About measures for strengthening of executive discipline (12 12.01.1999)
- About approval of regulatory documents on the organization of office work and control of execution in public authorities and administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan (140 29.03.1999)
- On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for admission to higher education institutions, transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students (393 20.06.2017)
- On the organization of the State Inspectorate for Quality Control in Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (515 18.07.2017)
- On measures to increase the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work in the education system (736 17.09.2018)
- On provision of higher education institutions with textbooks (816 10.10.2018)
- On organizational measures to ensure the introduction and operation of the interdepartmental software and hardware complex "Single National Labor System" (971 05.12.2019)
- On approval of the concept of continuous spiritual education and measures for its implementation (1059 31.12.2019)
- On measures to ensure the gradual complete transition to the Uzbek alphabet based on the Latin script (61 10.02.2021)