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Medical college of Public Health named after Kattakurgan Abu Ali ibn Sina.

Nurnazarov Erkin Nosirovich

Kattakurgan public health medical school director

Reception hours: 

Monday – Saturday    09:00-17:00


+998 (99) 310 40 62

E-mail: k.texnikum@mail.ru
Address :

Kattakurgan city, Umar Khayyom street, house 221.


  Medical college of public health named after Kattakurgan Abu Ali Ibn Sina was established on the basis of the decree  of the former  Council of Ministers dated May 6, 1966  NO. 1001 – R, in the building of the former boarding school on July 26.1966. Initially, 60 students were admitted  to the “nursing work” specialty. Later, the departments  of   “Midwifery work”, “Children`s Nursing”, “Stomatology work” “Pharmacy work ” were opened and until today,  they have trained many medical workers with secondary education. According to the decision of the  Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 253 of June 12. 2001 “On measures to improve the structure of secondary special vocational education”, Vocational school No.7 in the city of Kattakurgan. The building was taken out of reconstruction and transferred to the medical college based on the order of the Samarkand Regional Department of Secondary Special Vocational Education No. 159 dated August 30, 2003 and the decision No. 805 – K of the Kattakurgan city  administration dated  October 9 , 2003 was  given and from 2004 it was put into use for a medical college with 1200 seats. Based on the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 6, 2019 “On additional measures to further improve the professional education system” No. PF – 5812, Kattakurgan Medical College was granted the status of public health medical school named after Abu Ali ibn Sina.

  The medical school has departments “Nursing work”, “Paramedic – midwifery work” “Paramedic- laboratory work”, “ Medical prevention work”, “ Stomatology work”,  “Pharmacy work ”, and they have more than 2000 students from different regions of our Republic students are studying. Three educational building in the medical school. There is a 400 – seat dormitory,  a 300 – seat kitchen and a 100 – seat reading room, which is fully operational. Also, it is not exaggeration to say that Kattakurgan public health medical school will be further enhanced by the fact that the graduates of the university have grown up doctors and scientists who are treating people`s ailments. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctor of the Cardiology Center of Samarkand Region Shavkat Izayev, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Traumatology Department of Samarkand Region Nurali Eronov, Inspector of Health Department of Samarkand region Mayri Ganiyeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences,Tashkent Forensic Expert M. A Hasanova, as well as D. F. Nurullayeva, who worked as the deputy chief physician of the Kattakurgan city medical association, gynecologists R. Kholova, N.Normurodova and M. Hamrokulova, pediatrician H. Otaniyozova, infectious diseasespecialist O. Halilov, doctor surgeon Osarov, O Kh. Kobulov who worked as the chief physician of Ingichka town. Dora Yunayeva and Aleksandra Akhminova working as a hospital nurse in the USA, working as a hospital nurse in Israel Mira Katayeva and Svetlana Niyozova, who are working, learned the secrets of their profession at the Kattakurgan Medical school.

  During the academic year, to provide students with in- depth knowledge, to prepare them as specialists in line with today`s requirements, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education”, “National Program of Personnel Training”, “Health in order to widely implement the tasks defined in the documents such as the State Program for the reform of the storage system, the teachers and employees of the medical school have been doing a lot of positive work. In total there are 139 training  rooms in the medical school together with educational bases. 119 of them are located in educational building of the medical school, 20 are located in hospitals of the city. In addition, 18 clinical simulation rooms have been established in the technical school.

Spiritual and educational works.

  “Talented Children`s Center” was established in the college in order to ensure high efficiency of the educational process, increase students` initiative, desire for scientific research and creative skills. Lists of gifted children have been formed in each department, and programs and plans for working with children from different subjects have been developed. “ Club of talented girls ” was established and they are  active in the fields of science, literature, education, culture and art.

  In particular, the competition “ Zakovat” with the participation of talented students, “ Arasta qizlar ”, “Long – lasting traditions”  “Navruz and values”, “The best book reader”, “ Kuvnoq va zukkolar ”, “Descendants of Amir Temur”  auditions will be held. To strengthen the independent and free thinking, formation of  thinking  and  ideological education of the students studying at the medical school, educate them in the spirit of  loyalty to our Motherland.

  The education process carried out in order to further improve the educational process, promote the national idea and increase the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work spiritual and educational events held within the framework of “Spirituality Day” on increasing being implemented. Lessons of Independence, inter ethnic harmony, inter – religious tolerance, the incomparable influence of independence on the fate of every generation in order to thoroughly explain the importance of the priority of state policy, large scale reforms, adopted laws, and to form young people ideologically  and politically, value, continuity of  traditions between generations were organized for the purpose of information..


  Teaching according to the following approved documents for each course and faculty  carried out:

– Qualifying characteristics,

– State education standard;

– Sample curriculum;

– Working curriculum;

– Based of the order of the 

  Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 465 of September  4, 2020, sets of teaching materials are being created and the educational  process is being implemented. The following technical supplies are available during training. Telecommunication system organized, video films presentation, multimedia on the topic programs, lectures and practical exercises are shown using televisions connected to a central computer.                                                             

  College  library:

  • The library has more than 3000 educational literature in English, Uzbek and Russian languages.
  • The electronic library includes texbooks, atlases, study guides instructional manuals, etc.  

  There are 15 computers connected to the internet for students to get new information about the subject.


  Scientific and research work of the technical school is to educate the yang generation in the spirit of devotion to the ideas of independence, to form the legal culture of young people, modern medicine is being conducted I various aspects of science. All pedagogues of the medical school are actine in scientific research work of the medical school are participating. 

INFORMATION about the teachers  of the Kattakurgan Abu Ali ibn Sina college of Public health. 

Total of teachers.

Substitute teacher

Main teachers

From that.

Candidate of science

Chief teacher

Leading teacher

Head teacher

A high educated teacher

Teacher with secondary special education.











  Over the past 3 years, medical school pedagogues have published more than 20 scientific works, including 6 textbooks, 8 training manuals, more than 10 articles in leading national and international journals. 

18 clinical simulation rooms have been established in the medical school.