Mansurov Djalolidin Shamsidinovich
Head of Department
Reception time: | Monday to Saturday: 14:00-17:00 |
Tel: | +998 (99) 219 55 11 |
Fax: |
E-mail: | |
Employees of the Education Quality Control Department
Ismailov Jamshid Abduraimovich
Chief specialist
Reception time: | Monday to Saturday: 08:00-17:00 |
Tel: | +998 (91) 536 51 11 |
E-mail: | |
Umarov Solijon Sodiqovich
Chief specialist
Reception time: | Monday to Saturday: 08:00-17:00 |
Tel: | +998 (95) 390 00 57 |
E-mail: | |
In order to ensure a high level of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of reforms carried out in the socio-economic spheres, as well as to further improve the quality control of education in the system of continuing education, the implementation of state policy in the field of control over the quality of training and objective assessment of the effectiveness of the educational process, it was adopted Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 515 dated July 18, 2017 on the organization of the activities of the state inspection for supervision of the quality of education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Today, the department is an integral part of the university and operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law “On Education”, resolutions and instructions of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Quality control is carried out on the basis of orders of the State Inspectorate and the rector of Samarkand State Medical University, as well as the “Regulations on the activities of the education quality management department of Samarkand State Medical University”, approved by the rector of the university.
The department pursues the following main goals:
- improving the quality of education at the university and its structures;
- coordination of work to improve the national and international ranking of the university;
- ensuring the quality of education at the university in accordance with state educational standards;
- quality control of education at Samarkand State Medical University to carry out organizational translation work.
Since 2013, to ensure the quality of higher education and its integration into the European and global educational space, as well as the compatibility of training programs and students with higher medical education in developed countries of the world and for the first time among universities in Uzbekistan, the educational process at SamMI is organized according to a credit-module system, based on the principles of ECTS. The Concept and Development Program of SamMI for 2017-2030, headed by Rector Azamat Mukhitdinovich Shamsiev, emphasizes that the main priority is the high quality of education and training of highly qualified doctors.
The credit-module system for organizing the educational process, first of all, serves to increase academic mobility and recognize the results of previous research within the framework of interuniversity exchanges between different European countries.
2017-2019 35 students from international universities studied at SamMI. In addition, 47 SamSMI students studied at foreign universities under the academic mobility program.
In the 2017-2019 academic year, 43 leading SamSMI scientists took part in academic mobility programs at foreign universities, 69 teachers from foreign universities conducted master classes and gave lectures at SamSMI.
Foreign students study at the foreign faculty of the university, including the first graduation of SamSMI students from the Republic of Korea in 2018.
Achievements in improving the quality of education and training of highly qualified personnel at the university occur mainly through the introduction of innovative modular and electronic learning technologies into the educational process, the use of information technology in the educational process, independent monitoring of student knowledge and the introduction of transparent methods for their assessment.
SamSMU educational resources
All subjects are divided into modules and placed in the e-learning system and on the internal network Samarkand State Medical University ranks first among universities in Uzbekistan and the CIS countries in the ranking of educational sites. More than 35,900 electronic materials, 18,200 methodological developments, 5,400 lecture materials, 5,200 lecture presentations, 900 video lectures, 18,700 practical exercises, about 2.5 million test questions, case studies and practical skills have been systematized and deployed.
The library's book collection consists of more than 330,000 publications and is constantly updated with modern medical literature.
Electronic versions of more than 12,000 textbooks have been created.
SamSMU has created a reliable database on SEA for students and teachers.
All classrooms and lecture halls are equipped with modern multimedia equipment; more than 1,500 computers connected to the Internet are involved in the educational process (in terms of the provision of computers to students, SamSMU occupies a leading position among universities in Uzbekistan).
To ensure high-quality mastery of practical clinical skills for students, the university operates a simulation training center equipped with modern phantoms, models and computer programs.
According to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 599 of October 2017 and the order of the rector of the university No. 148 / AF dated January 29, 2021, in connection with the end of the first half of the 2020/21 academic year, the reporting of the teaching staff for the corresponding period was organized at Samarkand State Medical University activities. During the first half of the year, the working group studied the reports of representatives of the teaching staff on the implementation of the annual teaching load on educational, methodological, research, organizational and spiritual-educational work. During the certification process, the contribution of each teacher to the organization of the educational process in the departments, his/her contribution to improving the rating of our university, his/her role and teaching potential within the framework of the inspection became known. Each teacher's report on the results of his work was submitted to the certification commission.
According to the schedule, from February 5 to February 20, professors and teachers of the 80th department of the university were certified. In total, 780 representatives of the teaching staff of 80 departments of the university were involved in the certification process - 772 (99%) teachers successfully completed, 8 (1%) did not participate (due to illness).
Systematic control over the implementation of the teaching load (educational and methodological, research, organizational and spiritual-educational work) for each semester. contributes to strengthening the scientific potential of the university, further development of science, strengthening its integration with academic science, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of research activities of teachers, increasing the number of innovation proposals, patents for inventions and programs, as well as the citation index in prestigious scientific journals. The positive results of the department’s work in increasing the number of articles, attracting talented students to scientific activities, applying research results and increasing the number of research works are presented in Appendix 1 of the report to the Academic Council of SamSMU dated March 15, 2021.
The training system is under the permanent control of department
employees. During the work, the successful completion of the autumn semester
was approved.
According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 467 dated June 7, 2019 “On measures to improve the procedure for determining the rating of higher educational institutions” and “Regulations on the procedure for determining the rating of higher educational institutions.” educational institutions ". The national rating of higher educational institutions was compiled on the basis of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 371 of December 29, 2012 “On the introduction of a certification system for higher educational institutions of the republic” and its validity period has expired. The ranking of higher educational institutions is determined annually by the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The ranking of higher educational institutions is compiled in accordance with the indicators set out in the Charter. The department is obliged to identify factors that negatively affect the quality of education at the university and implement measures to eliminate them.