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Department of Therapy, Cardiology and Functional Diagnostics

Aghababyan Irina Rubenovna

Head of Department therapy, cardiology and functional diagnostics of FPGE, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Reception days:

Monday-Saturday: 08:30-15:00


+998 (93) 680 12 25

E-mail: irina.agababyan17@gmail.com

city Samarkand St. Mirzo Ulugbek 144


Djabbarova Nafisa Mamasoliyevna Assistant

Teaching subjects:

Internal medicine, cardiology


+998 (99) 152 37 36

Teaches courses:

listeners FPGE

Kobilova Nigina Akmalovna Assistant.

Teaching subjects:

cardiology and functional diagnostics


+998 (99) 739 52 10

Teaches courses:

listeners FPGE

Ismoilova Yulduz Abduvohidovna Science Assistant.

Teaching subjects:

cardiology and functional diagnostics


+998 (97) 910 17 08

Teaches courses:

listeners FPGE

Ismoilov Rajabboy Mahmayusuf ugli Assistant in charge of clinical residency

Teaching subjects:

Internal medicine, cardiology


+998 (91) 548 71 93

Teaches courses:

listeners FPGE, residents of the 2nd year of clinical residency in the specialty therapy.

Yarasheva Zarrina Khikmatillayevna Assistant

Teaching subjects:

Internal medicine, cardiology


+998 (97) 915 99 87

Teaches courses:

listeners FPGE


  The Department of Therapy of the Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education was organized in 1982 on the basis of Clinic No. 2 of the Samarkand Medical Institute. The activity of the department is aimed at improving the knowledge of general practitioners of the Samarkand region and other areas, conducting primary specialization, training in new research methods.

  During the period of its existence, the staff of the department trained more than 6,000 general practitioners and 350 laboratory assistants

The first head of the Department of Therapy of the PhUV was Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Davidian.

In 1986-1988 Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Zhalolov T.M.

  Subsequently, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Zhalolov T.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor Adylova N.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor Davidyan A.A., Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor Suvanov M.S., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Sattorov R.R.

In 1991-1996, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Suvanov M.S.

1996-1999 MD , associate professor Sattorov RR headed the department.

  As part of the department, from 1994 to 2004, the course "Functional Diagnostics" functioned, which was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Valieva R.U.

  During these years, the main scientific directions of the department were: diagnostic problems, features of the clinical course and treatment of COPD, as well as the problems of dysmetabolic polyorganopathy.

  On these topics, 4 candidate dissertations were defended: ass. Ruzanova E.S. (1995), Aralov N.R. (1994), ass. Valieva R.U. (1995), Assoc. Kurbanov A.K. (2005).

From 1999 to 2017, the department was headed by MD, prof. Tajiev F.S.

  Tajiev F.S. worked at the Samarkand Medical Institute since 1983 (1983-1988 - Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases, 1988-1990 - Doctoral student of the VNIIP of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, 1991-1994 - Assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases, 1993-1995 - Professor of the course of endocrinology , 1995 - 1996 - Professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy, 1996-1997 - Department of Factory Therapy, 1997-1999 - Department of Therapy for the preparation of general practitioners). In 1982 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in the specialty "Allergology and Immunology" at the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, and in 1990 - his doctoral dissertation in the specialty "Pulmonology" at the All-Union Research Institute of Pulmonology of the USSR Ministry of Health. He published more than 140 scientific papers, 14 rationalization proposals and 1 invention.

  During the period of his leadership of the department, joint scientific research was carried out with the Research Institute of Pulmonology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Research Institute of Pulmonology and Phthisiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Research Institute of Cardiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

  From 1982 to 2015 she worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Therapy at the Faculty of Education. She defended her Ph.D. thesis in the specialty "Internal Diseases" at the Research Institute of Cardiology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, under the guidance of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Mukharlyamov N.M. on the treatment of bronchial asthma.

  He is a mentor of young specialists who continue their studies at the department. Repeatedly participated in republican and international scientific and practical conferences. More than 80 scientific papers have been published.

  And also from 2005 to 2016, a course of clinical laboratory diagnostics of the FUV was functioning at the department, which was led by Ph.D., associate professor Khalikov K.M.

  At the Department of "Therapy and Laboratory Diagnostics" worked MD, prof. Tajiev F.S., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Adylova N.A., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Suvanov M.S., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Yludashev A.M., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Khalikov K.M.

Associate Professor Aghababyan Irina Rubenovna

  From 2017 to the present, the head of the department is Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Aghababyan I.R.

  Currently, PhD, Associate Professor Agababyan I.R. is working at the Department of Internal Medicine. assistants Jabbarova N.M., Ismailov R.M., Yarasheva Z.Kh., Kobilova N.A. and Ismailov Yu.A. The base of the department is currently located inRegional branch of the Republican specialized scientific and practical center of cardiology of the Samarkand region.

  Since May 2022, by the decision of the Academic Council of the Samarkand State Medical University and the order of the rector Prof. Zh.A. Rizaev, the Department of Internal Diseases of the FPDO has been renamed the Department of Therapy, Cardiology and Functional Diagnostics. The contingent of students at the department has expanded.


  Caring for the younger generation, the desire to raise a healthy, comprehensively developed person is one of the features of the national character of the Uzbek people. Therefore, spiritual and educational work is the most important activity of our department. In the direction of spiritual and educational work is carried out on the basis of an approved plan. The teacher responsible for this work, Ismailov R.M. coordinating and organizing.

  At the department, professors and teachers work between interns, masters and clinical residents:

  - introduce the works and speeches of the President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, decrees and decisions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as spiritual and educational work in order to educate the mature generation, increase and improve the universal, national and spiritual worldview of young people leads to:

  -successful implementation and development of creative transformations in the republic;

  - formation of the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle among students, undergraduates and clinical residents;

  - organization of round tables and meetings to explain to master's and clinical supervisors that the duty of each person is to respect the environment and nature;

  - increasing the political and legal culture of students, masters and clinical residents;

  - timely communication to students, masters and clinical residents of information about socio-political and creative events taking place in the world and in the country;

  - formation of a healthy spiritual environment among students, masters and clinical residents;

  - organization of free time for interns, masters and clinical residents in accordance with the direction and specialization of the educational institution, organization of various circles;

  - Under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, on March 19, 2019, increase attention to youth, attract young people to the culture of living, art, physical education and sports games, develop their skills in the correct use of information technology, popularize reading among students, ensure the full implementation of 5 important initiatives put forward at the video meeting on the employment of women among clinical residents and masters.

  -Ensure that the department conducts "Information and Coaching Hours" at a high level, as indicated in the class schedule.

  Conducting round tables on the theme "Higher Courage - Spiritual Courage".

  - Carrying out festive events with students, undergraduates, clinical residents and the university staff dedicated to the celebration of the national holiday Navruz.

  - The staff of the department actively participates in all spiritual and educational events held at the university level.


  Teaching to students at the department is carried out in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • State standard: - Order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 35-2021 dated October 19, 2021
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 125 dated February 26, 2018 "State requirements for the management and organization of the system of advanced training and retraining of healthcare workers."
  • “On measures for the further development of the system of medical and pharmaceutical education and science”No. PP-4310 (05/06/2019)
  • “On measures to introduce a completely new system of training and continuous professional development of personnel in the health care sector” No. PP-4666 (April 7, 2020)
  • Tibby-sanitary va pharmaceuticals kadlarining uzluxiz malakasini oshirish tizimi tashkil etish tҞғrisidagi Order No. 160 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. (15.06.2020).
  • Typical and work programs in subjects.

  Typical programs:


cycle name

Type of study




General therapy


General practitioners with more than 5 years of experience (for primary care physicians)

1 month 144 credits


Cardio-rheumatic diseases.


General practitioners, GPs and subspecialists

0.5 months 72 credits


Topical issues of therapy.


General practitioners, GPs and subspecialists

0.5 months

72 credits


Actual problems of pulmonology.


General practitioners, GPs and subspecialists

54 credits


Actual issues of rheumatology


General practitioners, GPs and subspecialists

0.25 months 36 credits


Features of the course and treatment of coronary artery disease and hypertension.


General practitioners, GPs and subspecialists

54 credits


Metabodic syndrome diagnosis and treatment.


General practitioners, GPs and subspecialists

0.25 months 36 credits


Selected issues of gastroenterology.


General practitioners, GPs and subspecialists

0.25 months 36 credits

  Specialization and retraining programs: Internal medicine - 504 credits, Internal medicine - 864 credits, Cardiology - 504 credits, Functional diagnostics in therapy and cardiology - 432 credits

  Working study programs: General Therapy - 144 OU credits, For specialization and retraining courses: Internal Medicine - 504 credits, Internal Medicine - 864 credits, Cardiology - 504 credits, Functional diagnostics in therapy and cardiology - 432 credits.

  The activity of the department is aimed at improving the knowledge of general practitioners, general practitioners and therapeutic doctors, conducting primary specialization, teaching them new research methods and modern standards of treatment.

  Lectures are given by Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor I.R. Aghababyan. Practical and seminar classes are conducted by assistants.

  For listenerspublished in the last 3 years 2 methodical benefits 4 tutorials:

  • "The place and role of peripheral vasodilators in the complex treatment of chronic heart failure" Samarkand 2019, 36 pages - Methodological guide for general practitioners, cardiologists and cadets of the faculty of postgraduate education.
  • Aghababyan I.R., Aghababyan L.R. "Pregnancy and childbirth in women with congenital heart defects" Samarkand 2019, 20 pages - Methodological guide for general practitioners, cardiologists and cadets of the faculty of postgraduate education.
  • Aghababyan I.R., Soleeva S.Sh., Jabbarova N.M. "Amaliy elektrokardiografiya (Practical electrocardiography)"Samarkand 2021. tutorial.
  • Aghababyan I.R., Ismailov Zh.A., Ziyadullaev Sh.Kh. "Nafas olish tizimi asosiy kasalliklari (Major Respiratory Diseases)".Samarkand 2021. tutorial.
  • Yuldashev S.Zh., Agababyan I.R., Ismailov Zh.A. "Clinical pharmacology" (in Uzbek)Samarkand 2021. tutorial.
  • Aghababyan I.R., Ismoilova Yu.A., Yarasheva Z.Kh. "Elektrokardiografiya bo'yicha tanlangan amaliy ko'nikmalar (Selected practical skills in electrocardiography)"Samarkand 2022. tutorial.

  - Educational technologies include: the use of pedagogical technologies in advanced countries, the use of computers and other technical means in education, the development of learning skills through motivation - changes based on the order of the CER of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 225. - diagnostic standards are approved;

  - international recommendations;

  - modern teaching technologies at the department are different - conversational-case technologies, graphic organizers, OSKE and the project method encourage active participation.

  The following technical means are available in the educational process:

  A telecommunications system has been installed, videos, presentations, multimedia programs, lectures and practical exercises are shown using TVs connected to a central computer.

  Department library:
  • The library has more than 30 titles of educational literature in English, Uzbek and Russian.
  • Includes electronic textbooks, tutorials, teaching aids and more. For listeners, the reception of patients on the topic is organized in the classroom, as well as in the departments of

  The research work of the department is carried out to educate the younger generation in the spirit of loyalty to the ideas of independence, the formation of a legal culture of youth, the philosophical problems of modern medical science, and the improvement of diagnostic and treatment methods.

  The main scientific direction of the department is: problems of diagnosis, features of the clinical course and treatment of CHF in comorbid conditions.

  On the topics of this direction, 3 PhD dissertations are being conducted: Kobilova N.A., Ismoilova Yu.A., Yarasheva Z.Kh.

  All employees of the department actively participate in the research work of the department and the institute. Currently, the department has 1 candidate of medical sciences, associate professor - Agababyan I.R., 3 employees - free applicants (Kobilova N.A., Ismoilova Yu.A., Yarasheva Z.Kh.) and 3 employees ( Dzhabbarova N.M., Ismoilov R.M., Urinov M.N.).

  Over the past 5 years, the staff of the department has published more than 200 scientific papers, including 2 textbooks, 4 manuals, 5 monographs, 6 electronic programs, more than 100 articles in leading republican and foreign journals.

Monographs published by the staff of the department

The authors

Title of published monograph


Ziyadullaev Sh.Kh.,

Liverko I.V., Agababyan I.R., Toirov E.S.,

Ismoilov Zh.A.

Rare lung diseases


Rizaev Zh.F.,

Aghababyan I.R.,

Periodontal disease as a trigger for cardiovascular disease


Aghababyan I.R., Soleeva S.Sh.

Mukhamedova M.G.

Comorbid pathology in patients with congenital heart defects


Aghababyan I.R.,

Heart failure and congenital heart defects in elderly patients


Aghababyan I.R.,

Chronic heart failure. New aspects of pathogenesis and treatment

Textbook published by the staff of the department

The authors

Title of the published textbook


Aghababyan I.R.,

Clinical pharmacology


Yuldashev S.Zh., Ibragimova E.F., Agababyan I.R.

Clinical pharmacology

Teaching aids published by the staff of the department

The authors

Name of teaching aids


Aghababyan I.R.,

Aghababyan L.R.

Pregnancy and childbirth in women with congenital heart disease

Guidelines published by the staff of the department

The authors

Name of guidelines


Rizaev Zh.A.,

Aghababyan I.R.,

Ismoilova Yu.A.

Organization structure of medical centers for patients with chronic heart failure


Rizaev Zh.A.,

Aghababyan I.R.,

Ismoilova Yu.A.

Possibilities of improving medical care for patients with chronic heart failure in Samarkand region


Aghababyan I.R.,

Yarasheva Z.Kh.

Functional diagnostics in the detection of chronic heart failure in the elderly


Aghababyan I.R.,

Yarasheva Z.Kh.

Early detection of chronic heart failure in elderly patients undergoing coronary artery stenting


Aghababyan I.R.,

Yarmukhamedova N.A.,

Matlubov M.M.,

Aghababyan I.R.,

Zamanov Y.R.,

Yarmukhamedova M.

Coronavirus infection (COVID-19)

  Published articles at the department

  1. Агабабян И.Р., Садыкова Ш.Ш.

Плейотропные эффекты статинов при неалкогольной болезни печени и неалкогольном стеатогепатите. Рецепт. 2022;(2):194-199

  2. Agababyan I.R., Sadykova Sh. Sh. Pleiotropic Effects of Statins in the of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis/ American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences p-ISSN: 2165-901X e-ISSN: 2165-9036 2022; 12(2): 200-204 doi:10.5923/j.ajmms.20221202.30

  3. Soleeva Sitora Shaxobovna, Agababyan Irina Rubenovna. Statins and Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines in Ischemic Heart Disease after Coronary Vessel Stenting/ American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences p-ISSN: 2165-901X e-ISSN: 2165-9036 2022; 12(2): 108-114 doi:10.5923/j.ajmms.20221202.08

  4. Ризаев Ж.А., Агабабян И.Р., Ярашева З.Х., and Мухамедова М.Г.

  5. "Значение коморбидных состояний в развитии хронической сердечной недостаточности у больных пожилого и старческого возраста" Достижения науки и образования, no. 1 (81), 2022, pp. 75-79.

  6. Агабабян И.Р., Ярашева З.Х., Тошназарова Н.Ш., & Тошназаров Ш.М. (2022).

  7. Оценка эффективности комбинированного применения антагонистов рецепторов ангиотензина ii и сердечных гликозидов при лечении гипертонической болезни, осложненной хронической сердечной недостаточностью ii б стадии (по nуна iii фк). Достижения науки и образования, (1 (81)), 88-90.

  8. Agababyan I.R., & Kobilova N.А. (2022). Estimate the influence of trimetazidine on the quality of life of patients with chd with chronic heart failure. Достижения науки и образования, (1 (81)), 79-82.

  9. ИР Агабабян, ЮА Исмоилова Эффективность амбулаторного контроля больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью. Достижения науки и образования, 2022г. № 2 (82): 99-103

  10. ИР Агабабян, ЗХ Ярашева эхокардиография в прогнозировании ранней хронической сердечной недостаточности у больных пожилого возраста// Достижения науки и образования, 2022г. № 2 (82): 103-108

  11. Агабабян И.Р., Солеева С.Ш., Ярашева З.Х. Интервенционное ведение больных с хронической ишемической болезнью сердца Научный альманах центрального Черноземья №1 ч.2. ISSN 2313-5581 с.375-385

  12. Agababyan Irina Rubenovna, Ziyadullaev Shukhrat Khudayberdievich, Ismailov Jamshid Abduraimovich, Turaev Hikmatilla Negmatovich, & Ismoilov Rajabboy Mahmayusuf oʻgʻli. (2022). Study of cardiovascular status and risk of heart failure in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research 2231-2218, Volume 11(Issue 2), 135–140.

  13. Agababyan Irina Rubenovna, Ziyadullaev Shukhrat Khudayberdievich, Ismailov Jamshid Abduraimovich, Turaev Hikmatilla Negmatovich, & Ismoilov Rajabboy Mahmayusuf oʻgʻli. (2022). Modern methods of diagnostics interstitial lung diseases. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research 2231-2218, Vol.11(Issue-2 2022), 146–152.

  14. Agababyan Irina Rubenovna, Ziyadullaev Shukhrat Khudayberdievich, Ismailov Jamshid Abduraimovich, Djabbarova Nafisa Mamasoliyevna, & Ismoilov Rajabboy Mahmayusuf oʻgʻli. (2022).

Brig SK Mazumdar Marg, Timarpur, New Delhi, Delhi 110054 India analysis of the effect of food stereotypes on disease in liver circuit disease. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research 2231-2218, Vol.11(Issue-2 2022), 140–

  15. Agababyan Irina Rubenovna, Ziyadullaev Shukhrat Khudayberdievich, Ismailov Jamshid Abduraimovich, Djabbarova Nafisa Mamasoliyevna, & Ismoilov Rajabboy Mahmayusuf oʻgʻli. (2022). Diagnostic value of IL-8 and IL-12 in various forms of interstitial lung disease. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research 2231-2218, Vol.11(Issue-2 2022), 153–156.

  16. Агабабян И. Р., Журакулов Ф. Н., Исмоилова Ю. А.

Sars-cov-2 koronavirus bo'lgan bemorlarni davolashda fenofibratning o'rni //Журнал кардиореспираторных исследований. – 2022. – Т. 3. – №. 1.

  17. IRINA AGABABYAN, VAZIRA AXATOVA, & YULDUZ ISMOILOVA. (2022). Cytokine status in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Eurasian journal of medical and natural sciences, 2(6), 90–94.

  18. Агабабян И.Р, Исмоилова Ю.А, & Султонова Н.Р. (2022). Железодефицитная анемия у больных с постинфарктным кардиосклерозом.

  19. Исмаилов Жамшид Абдураимович, et al. "oʻtkir miokard infarkti dolzarb ijtimoiy ahamiyatga ega boʻlgan muammo sifatida." ЖУРНАЛ БИОМЕДИЦИНЫ И ПРАКТИКИ 7.2 (2022).

  20. АГАБАБЯН, Ирина Рубеновна, Жамшид Абдураимович ИСМАИЛОВ, and Хикматилла Негматович ТУРАЕВ. "Оʻtkir miokard infarkti aniqlangan bemorlarni oʻz vaqtida gospitalizatsiya qilishning samaradorligi." ЖУРНАЛ БИОМЕДИЦИНЫ И ПРАКТИКИ 7.2 (2022).

  21. КОБИЛОВА, Н. А., & ДЖАББАРОВА, Н. М. (2022). Effect of cardioprotectors on quality of life of patients with ischemic heart disease complicated with chronic heart failure. ЖУРНАЛ БИОМЕДИЦИНЫ И ПРАКТИКИ, 7(1).

  22. Yarasheva Z.Kh, Jabbarova N.M,. (2022). Predictive significance of echocardiography and determination of the concentration of natriuretic peptide in elderly patients with CHF of ischemic origin with preserved LV systolic function. EURASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES, 2(6), 143–145.

  23. Ярашева З.Х., Исмоилова Ю.А. 2 (2022). Тактика ведения больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью на этапе первичной медицинской помощи. EURASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES, 2(6), 191–198.

  24. Ярашева З.Х., Исмоилова Ю.А., (2022). Эффективности оральных антикоагулянтов при неклапанной форме фибрилляции предсердий у лиц пожилого возрста. EURASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES, 2(6), 179–184.

  25. Кобилова . N. (2022) Триметазидин в комбинированной терапии ишемической болезни сердца, перенесших инфаркт миокарда. Журнал кардиореспираторных исследований, 2(4), 31–33.