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Students scientific society

    The scientific society of students of the Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology is called "Young phthisiatricians", and the number of participants is 12 students. Members of the student scientific society are attached to the assistants of the department, communication has been established between them in the “mentor-student” mode. The chairman of the student scientific society is the head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Kim A.A. The work plan of the student scientific society at the department was developed by the head of the department and other employees, the activities of the SSS are carried out in accordance with this plan. Meetings of the student scientific society are held on Saturdays weekly in the assembly hall of the department and are drawn up in the form of a protocol. 

    In a circle "Young TB doctors" research work is underway onearly diagnosis of tuberculosis, study of the action of anti-tuberculosis drugs, the course of drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis, treatment of tuberculosis in children, improvement of prevention programs. The meetings of the circle and the examination of patients by SSS participants are carried out at the main base of the department, located inregional center of phthisiology and pulmonology, Samarkand

    For the participants of the scientific circle, together with the head of the department and those responsible for science, the topics of scientific work were formed, and the students began their research on the topics of scientific work. After choosing the topic of scientific research at the meetings of the circle, teachers provide information on the collection of primary documents necessary in the process of scientific research, their accounting, storage and processing, in addition, in order to develop oratory skills, students present topical issues related to their scientific work in the form of a presentation hold their meetings in the form of a discussion.

    The results of students' scientific work are reflected in abstracts and articles, presented at conferences.To date, membersstudent scientific society show positive results by participating in city and international competitions and conferences. In particular, members of the circle took an active part in the International Student Online Olympiad "From the teachings of Abu Ali ibn Sina to the third Renaissance", held at the Bukhara Medical Institute on December 25, 2020: Mamadiyarova Mashkhura (III degree diploma), Rakhmatillaev Robbonjon ("Unique diploma for professionalism”), Shermatov Elbek (diploma for the best solution of practical skills). At the next online Olympiad "From the teachings of Abu Ali ibn Sina to the third Renaissance", held at the Bukhara Medical Institute on January 21, 2022, Abdunazarova Fatima won a diploma of the III degree, Mirzaeva Nazokat - a diploma of the II degree. At the international scientific and practical (online) conference held in March 25, 2021 in Tashkent "Innovative approaches to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis and non-specific pathology of the respiratory organs in adults and children" was awarded the I degree diploma Abduvakhidova Aziza (supervisor Kim A.A.). The same student is a participant and speaker at the 76th International scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists of medical institutes "Achievements of fundamental, applied medicine and pharmacy", held in 2022 at the Samarkand State Medical University, where she was also awarded a diploma of the III degree.

    On March 21-22, 2023, Abduvakhidova A. took part in the All-Russian Olympiad on Therapy with International participation at the Northwestern State Medical University in St. Petersburg and received a diploma of the winner in the nomination "Golden Phonendoscope", at the 77th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Achievements of Fundamental, Applied Medicine and Pharmacy", Samarkand on May 19-20 In 2023, she was awarded a diploma of the II degree.

    Adylova Shakhzoda, a 5th-year student of the Pediatric Faculty (scientific supervisor Khodjaeva S.A.) participated in the 77th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young scientists with international participation "Topical issues of medical sciences", section "Topical issues of phthisiology". Yaroslavl, 2023, took the honorary III place, and was awarded a diploma of the II degree at the 77th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Achievements of Fundamental, Applied Medicine and Pharmacy", Samarkand, May 19-20, 2023.

    Also, members of the circle actively participate in scientific and practical conferences held on the basis of the Samarkand Regional Center for Phthisiology and Pulmonology, dedicated to World TB Day - March 24 of each year.

    The results of the scientific work of SSS participants are published in international and republican scientific journals recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission.More than 100 scientific papers have been published over the past 5 years by SSS scientific participants.