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Educational and educational-methodical works of phthisiology department

  In the department, studies students of 5 courses of pediatrics, 4 courses of medical - pedagogy, medical work, medical prevention faculty and 3 courses of medical biology faculty on the basis of the program of "Phthisiology" science. Also, students of the 3rd year of the second higher education are being taught.

  Since 2005, masters and clinical residents have been trained in the specialty "Phthisiology".

  Course of lectures is regularly held at the department for general practitioners, pediatricians, and students of specialty courses of the faculty of professional development.

  Since 2014, the Department of Phthisiology, like all departments and courses of the Samarkand Medical Institute, has started teaching students based on the modular system moodle.sammu.uz.

  Training is conducted according to the following approved documents for each course and faculty:
- State educational standard;

-Qualification requirements;

-Educational plan;

– Curriculum;– Educational working program;– Educational technologies include:

- approved diagnostic standards;

- international recommendations;

- modern educational technologies (graphic organizers, case technology and project method).

  The following technical supplies are available during training:

A telecommunication system has been established, video films and presentations on the topic will be shown using multimedia. There is a single bank of scanned images designed for unified teaching based on the curriculum and corresponding to all sections of the curriculum.

  Department library:

• The library has more than 30 educational literature in English, Uzbek and Russian languages.

• The electronic library includes textbooks, study guides, instructional manuals, etc.

  For students, it is organized to see patients related to the subject in laboratory and radiological diagnostic rooms.

  Educational-methodical works are regularly conducted in the department. Methodical manuals such as "Lymphadenopathy syndrome", "Meningococcal infection", "Valeology", "Prevention of tuberculosis", "What you need to know about tuberculosis" were prepared and published by the staff of the department. The textbooks "Basics of phthisiology" on Russian and Uzbek language were prepared and published.