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Science club

  The department actively operates a student scientific circle and a School of Excellence under the guidance of Associate Professor G.J. - and 74, - scientific student conference of the institute, taking prizes among scientific student circles.
  The participation of students in scientific circles is an integral part of the educational process in the work of the department, which employs more than 12 students. The materials of their research work are published annually at the conference of young scientists of the university, and the best works are sent to interuniversity scientific conferences.

  All students interested in the social and humanitarian problems of medical knowledge and activities, the department calls for cooperation, encouraging the achievements of the club members.

  Over the years, the department has 4 applicants and on the threshold of completion of their planned scientific work.

  The main areas of scientific work in 2022-23. will be: expansion of international cooperation, including with universities of the CIS countries; publications in journals with a high impact factor; reports at the leading universities of the republic and international forums; development of student and youth science.

  Teachers of the Department of Pediatrics always conduct their activities on the principle of "mentor-student" in the regular conduct of scientific research with the qualification requirements for them at the beginning of the academic year. They use their pedagogical skills to prepare abstracts and articles for various scientific and practical conferences held in the Republic and abroad. Employees of the department actively organize presentations and explain the principles of patient care and treatment on this topic. One student is assigned to each teacher. There are photo reports on one topic. 8 talented students participate in the science club