Simuliyatsion o’qitish kafedrasi
Educational sections
Department of controlling educational quality Educational and methodical management Department of Magistracy Clinical residency Department of International Relations Department of scientific research Department for work with gifted students Simulation training department Gifted studentsLatest news
06.03.2025Winners of the Volleyball Tournament "For the Rector's Cup" have been determined 05.03.2025
Rector held a meeting with talented students of the university 03.03.2025
An employee of the Voronej State Medical University was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of our university 03.03.2025
University staff held a roundtable discussion at a secondary school 27.02.2025
A meeting was held with students on issues of crime and offense prevention 26.02.2025
Issues of holding a student symposium on ophthalmology were discussed 25.02.2025
High-tech surgical operations were successfully performed in the Bulungur district of the region 25.02.2025
A meeting of pediatricians with students was held in a student hostels 25.02.2025
Samarkand Medical University expands cooperation with Plymouth University (UK) 22.02.2025
Scientific and practical conference "Modern, safe and prompt solutions in immunology" 21.02.2025
Winners of the regional stage of the “Values of My Homeland” competition have been determined 21.02.2025
Winners of the regional stage of the “Values of My Homeland” competition have been determined