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An event aimed at preventing the spread of drug addiction and strong psychotropic drugs among young people was organized

  A number of activities are being carried out at the Samarkand State Medical University within the framework of "Measures to combat the illegal circulation of narcotics, psychotropic and powerful drugs".

  In particular, on February 14, an open dialogue was organized at SamSMU with the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the investigative department and the dispensary of narcological diseases of the Samarkand region.

  During the event, information was provided about drug addiction and drugs, narcotics, psychotropic agents, and detailed explanations were given about the factors, processes and consequences of falling under the influence of drugs.

  Students were also informed about drugs included in the list of psychotropic, narcotic and intoxicating agents, and were introduced to the responsibilities established for their cultivation, storage and distribution without appropriate permits. Information aimed at preventing the illegal distribution and sale of such drugs was provided.

  Students had the opportunity to get answers to the questions they were interested in.

SamSMU Press Service