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The structure of the department

Baikulov Azim Kenzhaevich

Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, PhD , Associate Professor

Reception time:
Monday - Saturday: 08:30-17:00
Tel: +998 (91) 546 03 69
E-mail: azimbaykulov81@mail.ru
Samarkand city, public health college named after Abu-Ali ibn Sino public, array of Sogdiana


Akramov Davlat Himmatkulovich PhD

Subject taught:
Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis
Tel: +998 (94) 642 15 56
Courses taught:
3, 4, 5

Anvarov Tohir O’tkir o’g’li Assistant

Subject taught:
Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis
Tel: +998 (93) 338 20 98
Courses taught:
3, 4, 5

Toshboyev Feruz Nizomiddinovich Assistant

Subject taught:
Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis
Tel: +998 (93) 038 43 58
Courses taught:
3, 4, 5

Izatullayev Sarvar Abdumannonovich Assistant

Subject taught:
Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis
Tel: +998 (93) 355 36 54
Courses taught:
3, 4, 5

Eshkobilova Mavzhuda Ergashboevna , PhD , associate professor

Subject taught:
Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis
Tel:+998 (97) 613 45 57
Courses taught:
3, 4, 5

Tashanov Odilboy Safarovich, Assistant

Subject taught:
Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis
Tel:+998 (93) 996 61 96
Courses taught:
3, 4, 5

Urunboeva Ziroat Erkinovna, Assistant

Subject taught:
Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis
Tel:+998 (97) 613 45 57
Courses taught:
3, 4, 5