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History of the department

  SamTI to the order of the rector No. 30-U dated January 19, 2005, mainly "Biophysics, informatics". as well as Information Technology "from the Department of Informatics". as well as the Information Technology » department, a separate one came out and also the chair of the business manager reached the engineering science doctor, professor T.S. Safarov was appointed.

  Malikov M.R. in 1978 graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Postgraduate studies in Moscow Physics Institute under Sciences at the Academy passed.

  In 1986, on the topic "High-resolution combined scattering coherent spectroscopy of the contour of a molecular gas line," the candidacy of the dissertation was defended Until now, three candidate dissertations have been made by the opposition, and all of them have been successfully defended.

  The institute as part of the departments the number of decline in the relationship with SamTI 2005 Rector No. 73-U dated February 18, the team based on the departments restructuring " Biophysics, Informatics and Information Technology" Department "Computer Science and Information Technology" Department of the course when performing was killed as well as the chair "Computer science, informativity of technology, biophysics, medicine technology and new medical technology" was called the department. (Department manager of tfd., prof. T.S. Safarov and also course head fm-fn., dos.no. Sodikov)

  Branch Director T.S. Safarov graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics in 1975 Postgraduate studies Uzbekistan Republic of Science Academy " Cybernetics " . production in the union passed it is scientifically on a lathe from 1975 to 1993, a young leader in the specialty before a specialist was a way of pressing the past.

  In 1984 on the topic "Simulation and optimization of one class of technical objects." candidacy and in 1991 on the topic "Research and mathematical modeling of multi-purpose complex complex adaptable technical systems" doctoral degree thesis preferred. Until now, to push the candidature of dissertations (Karimov P., Iskandarov A.S., Nomazov F. Sh. and Urakov Sh.U. ) scientific leadership and scientific consulting did it all successful defense done From 1993 to 2005 Samarkand state before at the university "Mathematics, modeling and managing systems" department head and chair professor worked at his positions.

  The institute as part of the departments the number of decline in the relationship with SamTI Rector's order No. 73-U dated 18.02.2005, the team with the "Biological and Medical Physics, Medicine Technology, New Medical Technology Department" "Computer Science and Information Technology" department course when carried out by the department "Biophysics, informatics". as well as Information Technology » Department. Office manager of tfd , prof . T.S. Safarov and also the course head. fm-zh. Assoc . BUT. Sodikov . Since January 2, 2015, M.R. Malikov has been appointed manager of the department to reach f.-m. fn. At the Institute, the research process Good quality is taken to go to SamDTI Rector's letter dated July 3, 2020 No. 543 / A F team with "Informatics, informativity of technology, biophysics, medicine technology and new medical technology" from the department "Computer science, information technology" separate department came out.