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Educational and methodical work of the department

  According to the programs, the department teaches 1st year students of the Faculty of General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Medical Biology, Medical Prevention, Traditional Medicine, the subject of Information Technologies in Medicine, 2nd year students of the Faculty of Medical Biology, the subject of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, 3rd year students of the Faculty of Medical Biology subject Mathematical modeling in biology and medicine.

  The educational process for each course and faculty is conducted by the following approved documents:

- State standard;
- Training program;
- Training work program;
- The following have been introduced into educational technologies:
- Changes in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health No. 80 of the Republic of Uzbekistan ;
- approved diagnostic standards;
- international recommendations;
- modern educational technologies (graphic organizers, case technology and project method.)

  In the process of teaching, the following technical support is available:
A telecommunication system is organized to explain topics. computer. There is also a single bank of scanned images that will fit all sections of the curriculum and created according to the curriculum, unified, designed for teaching the curriculum .

  Library of the department:
• The library has more than 60 types of educational literature in English, Uzbek and Russian.
• The electronic library includes textbooks, atlases, teaching aids, teaching aids and others.

  Examination of patients related to the topic in the ultrasound and X-ray rooms is organized for students.