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The structure of the department

Usanov Sanjar Sadinovich

Head of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy

Time of receipt: Monday-Saturday: 08:30-15:00

+998 (91) 527 57 28

Email address: sadinovazizbe@gmail.com
Address: Samarqand sh., Avesto ko’chasi., 18 –uy


Mamataliyev Abdumalik Rasulovich  

Senior Lecturer

Course topic: 

Clinical anatomy

Phone number: +998 (91) 523 19 13

Courses taught
2, 3

Zohidova Sanoat Hamidovna Assistant

Course topic: 

Clinical anatomy

Phone number:

+998 (90) 600 40 08

Courses taught

2, 3

Omonov Abbos Toliboevich Assistent

Course topic: 

Clinical anatomy

Phone number:

+998 (90) 282 95 96

Courses taught

2, 3

Maxramqulov Zafar Mamirqulovich Assistent

Course topic: 

Clinical anatomy

Phone number:

+998 (91) 531 30 33

Courses taught

2, 3

Musurmonov Aminjon Meliqulovich 

Course topic: 

Clinical anatomy

Phone number:

+998 (99) 076 55 07

Courses taught

2, 3

Raxmonov Shoximardon Sherqul o’g’li Assistant

Course topic: 

Clinical anatomy

Phone number:

+998 (93) 332 29 69

Courses taught

2, 3