The defense of dissertations in specialties 14.00.38 - "Sports Medicine" and 14.00.12 - "Medical rehabilitology" will take place at the Scientific Council DSc.04/31.10.2024.Tib.102.03 at Samarkand State Medical University.
- Development of scientific research. Advancement of modern scientific research in the fields of sports medicine and medical rehabilitation, stimulation of new scientific ideas. Support for the implementation of research results in practice.
- Evaluation and examination of scientific works. Objective assessment of scientific novelty, practical significance, and scientific methodology of research. Thorough analysis of dissertations submitted for defense based on scientific criteria and consideration of reviewers' conclusions.
- Training of highly qualified scientific personnel. Preparation of highly qualified scientific personnel in the areas of sports medicine and medical rehabilitation, enhancing their scientific potential. Guidance of doctoral students' scientific work and support of innovative approaches in their research.
- Approval and awarding of academic degrees. Discussion of scientific works and adoption of appropriate decisions for awarding the academic degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc) in Medical Sciences. Ensuring scientific objectivity and transparency in the approval of academic degrees.
- Scientific cooperation and exchange of international experience. Improving the quality of scientific research by establishing cooperation with the international scientific community and exchanging experience. Organizing and actively participating in international scientific conferences and seminars.
- Ensuring scientific ethics and standards. Strict adherence to the rules of scientific ethics and ensuring scientific integrity. Combating plagiarism and monitoring the conduct of original research in scientific works.
Ismailov Jamshid Abduraimovich (Scientific Secretary)
Phone: +998 - 91 - 536 - 51 - 11
Telegram: @jamshid_ismailov87
List of documents required for defense
- Letter signed by the chairman of the scientific council, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor N.A. Yarmukhamedova
- A printout of the PhD or DSc dissertation topic announcement in the Higher Attestation Commission's "Bulletin" (copies of 1-2 title pages of the journal and the page where the dissertation topic and the applicant's surname are presented)
- Conclusion of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the practical implementation of the research results
- Certificate (of passing the exams, copy)
- Copies of diplomas (university graduation, Candidate of Medical Sciences)
- Act of verification of primary documentation (certified, three primary documentation experts appointed by the chairman of the scientific seminar)
- Extract from the minutes of the departmental meeting
- Extract from the minutes of the interdepartmental meeting
- 2 reviews of the dissertation work (for scientific seminar, reviewers are appointed by the Chairman of the Scientific Seminar)
- Dissertation work
- Report - presentation
- Draft abstract
- List of published works in the required format
- Applicant's curriculum vitae
- A separate brief introduction to be read at the scientific seminar - for the secretary, including date of birth, date and place of university graduation, doctoral student's place of work and position to date, marital status, number of published works related to the dissertation
- Recommended on A4 paper - leading institution and opponents
List of Academic Council Members
Yarmuxamedova Nargiza Anvarovna (chairman) | Associate Professor of the Department at Samarkand State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor | |
Sadikov Abdushukur Abdujamilevich (vice-chairman) | Director of the National Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor | |
Ismailov Jamshid Abduraimovich (secretary) | Head of the Department at Samarkand State Medical University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor | |
Mavlyanova Zilola Farxadovna | Head of the Department at Samarkand State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc), Professor | |
Xadjimetov Abdugaffor Axatovich | Professor of the Department at Tashkent State Dental Institute, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor | |
Yuldasheva Gulchehra Rustamovna | Associate Professor at the Center for Professional Development of Medical Workers, Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor | |
Usmanxodjaeva Adibaxon Amirsaidovna | Head of the Department at Tashkent Medical Academy, Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor | |
Raximova Dilorom Alimovna | Senior Research Fellow at the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor | |
Tulaganova Dildora Karimovna | Head of Department at the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation, Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc), Senior Research Fellow | |
Agababyan Irina Rubenovna | Head of the Department at Samarkand State Medical University, Professor | |
Sobirova Guzal Naimovna | Professor of the Department at Tashkent Medical Academy, Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc), Professor | |
Mamaradjabov Sobirjon Ergashevich | Head of Department at Samarkand State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor | |
Shodiev Amirqul Shodievich | Professor of the Department at Samarkand State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc) |