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Science club

  In the 2021-2022 academic year, 19 undergraduate students and 2 residents of the clinical residency were admitted to the "Young Pediatricians" student scientific society under the 2nd Department of Pediatrics of the Faculty of Pediatrics, and all of them actively participate in the club meetings held at the department. Each student is attached to the teachers of the department and actively participates in scientific research according to the tradition of "teacher-student".

  The Student Scientific Society organized and conducted its activities in the 2021-2022 academic year based on the plan approved on August 28, 2021.

  Under the leadership of the head of the student scientific society, associate professor of the department, A.A. Akhmatov, the meetings were held every day of the week, and during the past period, a total of 14 meetings of the scientific circle were held. Students who are members of the scientific club were informed about the procedure for conducting scientific research, collecting primary documents, recording and maintaining them. Master classes were held on preparation of scientific articles and theses, their types, components, rules of working with scientific literature, methods of collecting materials and working on them, results and discussion of research, rules of their publication. Also, the participants of the circle took an active part in the examinations of professors and teachers in the departments of Samarkand VBKTTM, in patient care and practices.

  Groups are formed among students in current areas of pediatrics, and scientific research work is being carried out.

  G.S. Umarkulova, a member of the "Young pediatricians" student scientific society of our department. 2022. On April 29, in the city of Dushanbe (Tajikistan), taking part in the international scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students on the topic "Aktualnye voprosy sovremennyx nauchnyx issledovaniy" held at the Dalat Medical University of Tajikistan, Narzullaeva F.F. 2022. On May 19, in the city of Ufa (Russian Federation), at the Bashkir Dalat Medical University, young scientists and students took part in the international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Voprosy teoreticheskoy i prakticheskoy meditsiny" and were awarded with a III degree diploma. The members of the "Young Pediatricians" student scientific society of our department took an active part in the Republican scientific-practical conference "Days of Young Scientists" organized at the Tashkent State Dental Institute on April 29, 2022, and 4 scientific works of our students were published in the collection. On May 20-21, 2022, they actively participated in the "76th International Scientific-Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists of Medical Higher Education Institutions" organized by our university, 7 scientific works of 14 of our students were published in the collection of scientific works of the conference, 2 people from TIJ were included in the conference program members gave lectures and finally received 2 II degree and 3 III degree diplomas.