The scientific direction of the department is "Acquired and hereditary kidney diseases in children, the study of hereditary aspects of the pathology of the urinary system (US) in the Uzbek population, taking into account the high inbreeding coefficient (frequency of consanguineous marriages). The study of age and gender characteristics of the spread (epidemiology of diseases of the UUS) and their nosological structure.
As a result of many years of research, the epidemiology of kidney diseases in the Zeravshan oasis was studied for the first time in Uzbekistan. In the children's departments of the 2nd, 4th, 5th polyclinics of the city of Samarkand, 9665 children aged 1 to 14 years were examined. The results of the study showed that pathology of the urinary system is quite widespread among children (7.4%, 74±2.66 per 1000 children).
As a result of scientific research among 715 children with nephropathy, examined in the 80s of the twentieth century, the following nosological structure was determined: urinary tract infections, including pyelonephritis (49.2%), dysmetabolic nephropathy (29.1%), glomerulonephritis (20%). For the first time, the frequency of urate nephropathy in the structure of nephropathy in the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan was determined. It was substantiated that dispensarization should be carried out on a family basis in order to identify premanifest forms of pathology and increase the effectiveness of preventive measures. Clinical and laboratory criteria for the premanifest stage of urate nephropathy were developed and it was proposed to introduce them into clinical practice (analysis of the family tree, indicators of uricemia and uricosuria, xanthine oxidase activity and assessment of ammonio-acidogenic activity of the kidneys). In 1977, the monograph "Dysmetabolic nephropathy in children" (J. Ishkabulov, S. Abdurakhmanova) was published for the first time in the CIS countries in the "Library of a practical doctor" series. This monograph, along with an analysis of the indicators of world scientific literature, summarizes the results of scientific research on nephropathy in children, conducted for almost 20 years at the Department of Pediatrics of the 2nd hospital. The monograph for the first time presents the results of segregation analyses using various genetic hypotheses (monogenic, multifactorial) and proves that dysmetabolic nephropathy is characterized by a polygenic (multifactorial) model of pathology. To facilitate understanding by practicing doctors, the authors presented many examples of clinical situations - uraturia, hyperoxaluria, nephropathy against the background of cystinuria, genetic genealogies of patients. For the first time, depending on the type of dysmetabolism and the evolution of the disease (pre-manifest boskych, DMN, interstitial nephritis, secondary pyelonephritis, urolithiasis), dietary and drug treatment methods are presented.
Author of the work | Title of the work | Year of protection |
K.R. Dilmuradova | Disorders of tubular functions, stability of cytomembranes and methods of their correction in nephropathies in children. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 1986 |
A.A. Akhmatov | Structural and functional state of cell membranes and the antioxidant defense system of erythrocytes in healthy children and children with glomerulonephritis in hot climates. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 1988 |
N.A. Karimova | The effect of treatment on membrane-destructive changes and coagulogram parameters in children with primary glomerulonephritis in hot climates. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 1989 |
R.S. Saidmuradova | Evaluation of the diagnostic significance of in vitro tests for verification of allergic reactions to penicillin in children. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 1989 |
R.R. Tukhvatullina, | Clinical and biochemical characteristics of urate nephropathy in children and the effectiveness of family medical examination. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 1991 |
E.Yu. Pavlova | Polyorgan membranopathy and the effectiveness of its correction with antioxidants in newborns from mothers with nephropathy of pregnancy. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 1992 |
T.F. Ernazarov | Clinical significance of pyridoxine supply and tryptophan metabolism in oxalate nephropathy in children. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 1994 |
S.K. Abdurakhmanova | Nephropathy in young children (prevalence, clinical, genealogical and biochemical characteristics. (For the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences) | 1994 |
A.S. Diveeva | Clinical, diagnostic and prognostic significance of fermenturia in kidney diseases in children. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 1995 |
R.B. Rustamova | Clinical significance of intestinal microbiocenosis disturbance and its correction in newborn children with pneumonia | 1996 |
A.S. Kalmykova | Myocarditis and cardiopathy in young children. (For the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences) | 1997 |
M.M.Akhmedova | Partial renal functions in young children with nephropathy of metabolic genesis in pneumonia and methods of corrective therapy. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 2001 |
F.S. Yakubov | Functional state of the kidneys in hemolytic disease of the newborn and issues of efferent therapy. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 2001 |
K.R.Dilmuradova | Disturbances of homeostatic functions of the kidneys in newborns from mothers with gestosis and the method of their correction (clinical and experimental justification). (For the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences) | 2004 |
G.D. Ishkabulova | The influence of membrane-reperative therapy on the main functions of the kidneys in newborns from mothers with combined OPG-gestosis. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 2005 |
A.H. Ergashev | Clinical significance of lipid metabolism in non-rheumatic carditis in young children. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 2005 |
N. I. Akhmedzhanova | Improving the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pyelonephritis in children. (For the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences) | 2019 |
Yu.A. Akhmatova | «The state of protein metabolism in chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis in children and treatment tactics." (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 2023 |
M.D. Murodova | «Prognosis and assessment of cardiorenal syndrome in children with acute glomerulonephritis. (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 2023 |
Z.A. Ismailova | "Comparative assessment of renal complications in children during the Covid-19 pandemic" (For the degree of candidate of medical sciences) | 2023 |
During this period of the department's existence, its employees have published more than 800 scientific papers, including more than 500 journal articles, in the national and foreign press. More than 50 rationalization proposals have been made to improve the methods of diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation and primary prevention of compulsory medical insurance diseases in children, and 3 patents for inventions have been received. Based on the results of their own research, 20 methodological recommendations for practicing doctors and 40 educational and methodological recommendations for senior students of the pediatric faculty have been prepared.
3 popular science publications for a wide range of readers, 5 monographs on pediatric nephrology, 10 teaching aids for students in the state language and 4 textbooks have been published. 16 candidate and 4 doctoral dissertations have been defended. It should be noted that the department staff has priority in studying epidemiology, nosological structure of compulsory medical insurance diseases, various aspects of nephropathies of metabolic genesis, preventive prevention of dysmetabolic nephropathies, neonatal nephrology in the climatic and ecological conditions of Uzbekistan and the Uzbek population.
A number of monographs on current topics in nephrology have been published by N.I. Akhmedzhanova and the staff of the department: “Regional lymphatic antibiotic therapy for pyelonephritis” in Saarbrűcken (Germany) 2011, “Method for treating chronic pyelonephritis in children” Riga (Latvia), 2018, “Chronic pyelonephritis in children: diagnosis and treatment” Tashkent, 2020, “Cardiorenal syndrome in acute glomerulonephritis in children” 2024.
Patent for invention in 2009 "Method of regional lymphatic antibiotic therapy of pyelonephritis in children" No. IAP 04046 and in 2017 "Method of treatment of chronic pyelonephritis in children" No. IAP 05472, in 2015 a grant was allocated for the scientific and practical project "Optimization of methods for diagnosis and treatment of chronic pyelonephritis in children" No. ADSS 15.25.2 Currently, continuing the main direction of the department, employees conduct their scientific research on the most pressing issues of pediatric nephrology. The work is carried out using the latest methods of laboratory diagnostics and digital medicine equipment. A modern method of diagnosing renal pathology based on assessing the level of cystatin-C in blood plasma is being introduced and studied. Another of the latest priority areas of research work is the diagnosis of cardiovascular complications in acute and chronic renal pathology. In particular:
- Associate Professor B.A. Yuldashev, topic of his Doctor of Science (DSc) dissertation: “A comprehensive approach to the diagnosis, correction and prevention of cardiovascular disorders in chronic kidney disease in children.”
- Basic doctoral student N.Sh. Ashurova, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation topic: “Comprehensive assessment and monitoring of the effectiveness of treatment of anemia in children with chronic kidney disease.”
To date, under the supervision of MD, Associate Professor N.I. Akhmedzhanova, 3 candidate dissertations have been defended - Akhmatova Yu.A. on the topic "State of protein metabolism and treatment tactics for chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis in children", Ismailova Z.A. on the topic "Comparative assessment of renal complications in children during the Covid-19 pandemic" and Gapparov G.N. "Clinical and laboratory features, diagnosis and treatment of pyelonephritis in children during the COVID-19 pandemic".