In 2023-2024 academic year, 15 students, 3 clinical residents will take part in the scientific circle “young ophthalmologists” organized at the Department of Ophthalmology of the Pediatric Faculty, and all of them will regularly takeactive part in the circle held at the department. Each student is attached to the teachers of the department and will actively participate in scientific research in accordance with the traditions of "teacher-student".
During the academic year, meetings of the scientific circle were held 20 times. Students–members of the scientific circle were provided with information on the procedure for conducting research work, collecting primary documents, recording and maintaining them. Master classes will be held on the preparation of scientific articles and , their types, components, rules for working with scientific literature, methods of collecting materials and working on them, results and discussion of research, the order of their publication. Also, the members of the circle took an active part in operations in sections and communication zones.
The participation in local and international scientific and practical conferences, the formation of students' oratorical abilities, the results of the work done and the results of scientific work will be analyzed. In addition, in each circle, students make presentations on individual topics, actively participate in operations and communications in the practice mode, as well as students independently engage in practical skills.
During 2022-2023 academic year, talented students of the department, together with their mentors, published theses and articles in several domestic and foreign scientific journals and received certificates.
Young scientists of the department took part in the international conference ”the latest trends in science and education" (Neftekamsk, Bashkortostan) (A.M.Kadyrova, G.E.Tulakova. D.A. Otamurodov took part and wrote the article ”The use of closed vitreoectomy in the treatment of traumatic hemophthalmos".
Boboev S.A. Kosimov R.E. ” Problems in the Surgical Treatment of concomitant Strabismus" (Eurasian Medical Research Periodical)
Kosimov R.E. ” Surgical treatment of articular horizontal strabismus" (World Bulletin of Public Health)
Yusupov A.A. Khamrakulov S.B. Kosimov R.E. ” Interpretation of functional and Anatomical and optical parameters of the eye in Congenital Myopia " (Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal)
Boboev S.A. Boboev S.S. Kosimov R.E. ”Micropulsed transleral cyclophotocoagulation in the complex treatment of refractory glaucoma" (Frontline Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Journals) 4 articles had been published (3 in the journal Scopus).
The department is a basic doctoral student G.E.Tulakova at the international conference "recent trends in science and education" (Neftekamsk, Bashkortostan 31.01..2022.and published articles". 3rd year Master's degree resident Musoev S.T.the article was published in Scopus journals.
A student of the group 520 Kholmatov Ihtiyor SamSMU made a presentation at the 76th conference.
20.05.2022 yes SamSTU.A total of 4 theses were sent by the members of the Tii to the 76th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Achievements of fundamental, applied medicine and pharmacy", held in Tashkent. Medical faculty 520 is a student of the Kholmatov Ihtiyor group under the guidance of Vasilenko A.V. and a student of MBBS. Sachin Kumar Subhan Singh under the leadership of Hamidova F.M. they made presentations and took the honorable 1st place. Kholmatov Ihtiyat also participated in the Olympiad organized by the “followers of Avicenna” at the Bukhara State Medical Institute (head of T.F.N. acc. A.V.Vasilenko). And the international student Olympiad organized by the Tashkent Medical Academy (head G.E.Tulakova).
In 2023, the number of members in the circle was 14 people. Meetings were held 3-4 times a month, according to the approved plan.
The topic of the meetings was relevant, the students independently collected clinical material, conducted and start processing, the results were made out in the form of journal articles and abstracts. They also independently prepared presentations about their speeches at the meetings of the circle.
The diagnostic capabilities of the Umax ultrasound scanner (USA), an installation for optical coherence tomography of various parts of the eye were also demonstrated
The members of the circle took an active part in the annual 77th student scientific and practical conference with international participation. Student Bazarova Vazira (head of ass. G.E.Tulakova) received a diploma of the 3rd degree, student Bakhodirova Malika (head – assoc. A.M.Kadirova) also received a diploma of the 3rd degree, student Jabbarova Dilora (head – assoc. A.V.Vasilenko) - a diploma for the best clinical thinking, student Zhurakulov Zhasur (head of assoc. A.M.Kadirova) was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree.
The members of the Ophthalmology department took an active part and were awarded awards and incentives at international Olympiads held by the universities of other years. Thus, the student Yakhshinorov Islombek (head of ass. G.E.Tulakova) was awarded a diploma of the 3rd degree at the international conference dedicated to the memory of prof. T.G.Ilyina in Tashkent, as well as a diploma of the 2nd degree at the TMA Olympiad. Student Kholmatov Ihtiyor (heads – assoc. D.Z.Zhalolova and assoc. A.V.Vasilenko) took an online part in the international Student Olympiad held by the Bukhara Medical Institute
The members of the circle also took an active part in the Olympiad "Samarkand - 2020".