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Research work of the department

    Employees of the department work to identify current research problems in the modern discipline of internal medicine, create scientific innovations, create new treatments, and organize student education on a new system.

    All employees of the department are actively involved in research work of the department and the institute. Currently, 6 employees are independent applicants (Mirzaev O.V., Samatov D.K., Ibadova O.A., Shonazarova N.H., Ergashova M.M., Ellamonov S.N., Sheranov A.M.) and 1 employee (Tairova Z.K.) is simultaneously trained in the basic doctoral studies.

    Over the past year the department staff published more than 60 scientific papers, including 1 methodological development, 2 monographs, 4 electronic programs, over 30 articles in leading national and international journals.

  Educational and methodical manuals published by the staff of the department:


Name of the teaching aid


Shodikulova G.Z., Pulatov U.S,Babamuradova Z.B.

Practical classes in cardiology

  Electronic programs of the department's staff related to communication technologies

Shodikulova G.Z.
Mirzaev O.V.
Babamuradova Z.B.

Screening program for signs of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia in young adults

DGU 2021 3522

1. Shodikulova G.Z.

2.Samatov D.K.

A program for early detection and choice of treatment tactics of upper gastrointestinal pathology in patients with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia in young adults

DGU 2021 3521

Shodikulova G.Z.
Khasanov O.G.

Program for Early Diagnosis and Prevention of NSAID Induced Gastropathy in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

DGU 2022 3781

Shodikulova G.Z.
Tairova Z.K.

A program for early diagnosis of cardiovascular changes in rheumatoid arthritis patients

DGU 2022 4254

Monographs published by members of the department:

  1. «Клиника, диагностика и лечение дисфункции эндотелия у пациентов с пролапсом митрального клапана при недифференцированной дисплазии соединительной ткани» monograph– Shodikulova G.Z.
  2. «Ревматоид артрит билан касалланган беморларда анемия клиник кечиши ва фармакотерапиясининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари» monograph- Shodikulova G.Z., Pulatov U.S.
  3. «Недифференцированная дисплазия соединительной ткани: конституциональная основа полиорганных нарушений у лиц молодого возраста» monograph - Shodikulova G.Z., Babamuradova Z.B.