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History of the department

    In 1938-1948, physical education classes were held as optional at Samarkand State Medical University. The department of physical education was first established in 1948. The department was headed by different heads in different years. 1948-1950 years B.P. Kondratyuk, 1950-1964 years Y.S. Skitov, 1964-1996 years P.V. Tokarev, 1997-1998 years M.Kh. Hamrokulov, 1998-2000 years E.A. Abduraupov, 2000-2005 years I .Z. Normakhmatov, 2005- In 2006, S. Mamarasulov, from 2006 to the present, M. SH. Muratov has been managing it.

    Since 2006, the head of the physical education department is M.SH.Murodov. During the work with the teachers of the department, they hold many contests and ensure the participation of students. The department has created all conditions for all sports sections, volleyball, basketball, chess, football, table tennis and boxing to conduct training with students during all academic hours. From the academic year of 2023, the name of the department was changed to the department of "Physical education and sports". The teachers of the department regularly participate in student sports and other competitions. In addition, teachers of the department select talented athletes from among students, prepare them for regional, republican and other prestigious sports competitions.

    The main tasks of the department are to develop physical characteristics, to strengthen its health, which is of great importance in the formation of a healthy generation.

    Teaching physical principles, methodological bases of sports and scientific activities; responsible participation in social processes and education of a person with the ability of sustainable self-improvement; educating modern students and young people to be spiritual and moral, patriotic and well-rounded people,

    Taking care of the young generation, striving to bring up a healthy, mature person is one of the characteristics of the national character of the Uzbek people. Therefore, spiritual and educational work is the most important activity of the "Physical education and sports" department. In the department, spiritual and educational work is carried out on the basis of a constantly drawn up and approved plan.

    The following activities are carried out between students and professors at the department:

  • principles of physical education, the content and organization of the teaching-methodical process
  • timely delivery of information on the reform of the country to students;
  • on the formation of the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle in students
  • increase the political and legal culture of students;
  • provide students with timely information about social events taking place in the world and in the country;
  • on the formation of a healthy spiritual environment among students organization of students' free time, organization of various interest groups in accordance with the subjects taught at the department.

    The scientific and research work of the department is carried out in the field of education of the young generation in the spirit of devotion to the ideas of independence, formation of legal culture of young people, philosophical problems of modern medical science, various directions of medicine.

    Currently, professors and teachers of the "Physical education and sports" department are conducting their scientific research on the following specialists.