Yuldashev Soatboy Jiyanboyevich head of the department of pharmacology, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor.
Since 2008, Yuldashev Soatboy Jiyanboyevich has been the head of the department of pharmacology and biochemistry, pharmacology and internal diseases, and clinical pharmacology, then pharmacology and clinical pharmacology. Since 2020, he has been working as the head of the department of pharmacology. In 2006, he successfully defended his candidate's thesis on the topic "Study of the anti-inflammatory effect of paranitrophenylglyoxylic acid thiosemicarbazone". Yuldashev Soatboy Jiyanboyevich successfully completed the medical faculty of Samarkand state medical university in 1994-1996 at the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of Samarkand state medical university. After that, he worked in this department as an assistant in 1996-2000, and as a senior assistant in 2000-2008.
S.J. Yuldashev effectively served in the committee of the student union, in the department of spirituality and enlightenment, and in the organizations of the youth union. Worked as the leader of the primary organization of the "Kamolot" YI institute. From 1998 to 2020, he worked as the deputy dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics. A member of scientific councils, gives lectures at the councils.
S.J. Yuldashev was awarded several times by the institute, city and regional governments. The 15th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan was awarded with a badge. He is the author of more than 250 scientific works, including 4 educational manuals, more than 20 educational methodological manuals. He also published his articles in a number of foreign magazines. Under the leadership of S.J. Yuldashev, lectures on pharmacology were published in Uzbek (Latin), Uzbek (Cyrillic) and Russian. Participated in international and national scientific-practical conferences with lectures. He is the author of a program created for electronic computing machines. Currently, 3 candidacy and 3 master's degrees are being conducted under his leadership.
The department of pharmacology was established in 1932, and since that year, professor I.V. Troisky has been teaching in the field of pharmacology and worked as the head of the department for two years (1932-1934 academic years).
In the 1934-1935 academic years, N.K. Klemparsky was elected as the head of the department. He worked in the department and published several scientific articles. During these years, the following assistants worked: E.S. Zolotukhina and V.P. Rokel.
In 1942, the Leningrad Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov was evacuated to Samarkand, and the head of the department was appointed by Professor V.M. Karasik and later by Prof. G.A. Mednikyan did it. In these years, the scientific and educational work of the department has become more active.
In 1944, the Military Medical Academy was re-evacuated, therefore N.K. Klemparsky was appointed as the head of the department.
In 1945-1946 academic years, lectures on pharmacology were given by the head of the department of pathophysiology, associate professor X. R. Farkhadi. During these years, the following assistants worked: M.Y. Samulevich, G.K. Gubkevich, V.P Rokel and E.S. Zolotukhin.
In 1946, candidate of medical sciences I.E. Akopov was elected as the head of the department. He defended his doctoral thesis in 1955 and received the title of professor in 1956, and 9 candidate theses were defended under his supervision.
In 1946, L.A. Belyavskaya, L.D. Mukhamedova, B.A. Konovalova and I.I. Ibragimov worked in the department as assistants.
After defending his candidate's thesis, I.I. Ibragimov was appointed the head of the department of pharmacology of Andijan Medical Institute.
After L.A. Belyavskaya defended her candidate's thesis, she was appointed head of the Department of Normal Physiology of Samarkand state medical university.
During the years 1949-1959, the following students studied at the department. M.M. Mansurov (1949-1952); F.A. Asliddinov (1952-1955); T.R. Abdurakhmanov (1956-1959).
During 1946-1957, under the leadership of I.E. Akopov, great attention was paid to the study of the effects of medicinal substances obtained from local plants.
Under his leadership, a new drug, Afillin hydrochloride, was isolated and it was proved to be equal to novocaine in terms of its local anesthetic properties (associate professor Konovalova V.A. 1952). At the same time, materials on the relationship between the vestibular apparatus and blood pressure in animals (E.A. Belyavskaya-1951) and the pharmacology of Solyusurmin (I.I. Ibragimov 1955-) are published.
The attention of the staff of the department is focused on the plant Lagoxilus. In 1955, I.E. Akopov studied its sedative and hemostatic properties, in 1957, M.M. Mansurov studied the effect of this plant on the cardiovascular system, and F.A. Asliddinov studied the pharmacology of lagoxilin ether.
In 1959, associate professor M.K. Rakhimova studied the anti-shock and desensitizing effect of Lagoxilus drug, as a result of these scientific research, Lagoxilus was included in the pharmacopoeia by the Pharmacopoeia Committee and allowed to be used in medical practice.
1958 in connection with the move of prof. I.E. Akopov to the Krasnodar region, associate professor S.M. Tregubov was appointed as the head of the department and served as the head of the department until 1962.
In 1963-1968, associate professor V.A. Konovalova was the head of the department.
In 1968, associate professor M.M. Mansurov was appointed as the head of the department.
Assoc. in the department for several years. B.A. Vartazaryan, Assoc. M. Rasulov and asst. E.Y. Ponomareva, E.A. Lalayan, E.R. Shakirbekova, ass. T.E. Eshmuradov, G.K. Muminova, L.U. Khalilova, M.X Khudayberdiyeva, G.M. Mardiyeva and R.M. Shopieva worked.
During the years 1968-1994, under the guidance of professor M.M. Mansurov, 5 candidatures and 1 doctoral theses were defended. In 1974, M.M. Mansurov defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1977 he was awarded the title of professor. T.B. Eshchanov, R.G. Sarkisyans, L.V. Murtazaeva, M.S. Martirosov and D.N. Karshiev defended their candidate thesis at the department.
In 1995-1997, 1999-2001, 2003-2004, the department was headed by associate professor Shamsiddin Khusanovykh Khusanov. Associate Professor Sh.Kh. Khusanov joined the department in 1974, in the same year he defended his candidate's thesis on the topic "Pharmakologicheskoe issledovanie adonisa turkestanskogo s adonisom vesennim". He published 1 monograph and 35 scientific, educational and methodological articles and manuals. 2 copyright certificates have been obtained. In the 2004-2008 academic years, associate professor Shamsiddin Khusanovykh Khusanov was the head of the pharmacology course.