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History of the department

  The department of pedagogy and psychology was initially headed by the rector of the institute from January 3, 2005. AM Shamsiev's initiative "Russian language, pedagogy and psychology" was established. Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor L.T.Razikova was appointed to the position of director from 2005 to 2012.

Rozikova Lola Tuychiyevna

  From March 15, 2012 to August 26, 2013, the department was headed by G.D. Kuldasheva.

  More than 15 scientific works were written by the staff of the department in Budavr, and several methodological manuals were published.

  In 2013, the department was merged with the Department of Foreign Languages, and the department was created by Ph.D. Safarova U.A. managed.

Safarova Umida Aliasqarovna

  In 2015, the department was founded by Ph.D. Babaeva D.Kh led. In January 2018, the departments were divided and our department was named the department of pedagogy, psychology, Russian and Uzbek languages.

Babayeva Dilbar Habibzhanovna

  From August 27, 2019 to November 2021, the department is a friend. L.T. Razikova continued to work as the head of the department. During this period, 1 doctor of philosophy (PhD) thesis on pedagogical sciences was defended at the department, and more than 20 scientific and methodological works were published. Rozikova Lola Tuychiyevna is the author of 1 1 textbooks, 2 training manuals, 3 methodological manuals, several monographs and about 100 articles.

  Associate Professor L.T. Rozikova is equipping second year students of the Institute's third year Medical Pedagogy, Pediatrics and Treatment faculties with new knowledge based on pedagogical technologies.

Rozikova Lola Tuychiyevna

    Since November 2021, Tangirov Eldor Sayfullayevich has been working as the head of the department. During this period, 2 doctor of philosophy (PhD) in psychological sciences, 1 doctor of philosophy (PhD) in pedagogic sciences were defended in the department. 3 textbook, 3 study guides, 4 monographs and about 60 scientific articles are published by the department staff.

    E.S.Tangirov is currently conducting scientific research on the topic of "Modern technologies of education of ethnocultural tolerance in students".

Tangirov Eldor Sayfullayevich