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History of the faculty

  The faculty has been operating since 2009.

  During the opening of the faculty, the head of the dentistry course, Doctor of Medical Sciences Kubaev Saidolim Esirgapovich was appointed to the position of dean.

  During 2012-2020, candidate of medical sciences Zayniyev Sukhrob Sobirovich worked as a dean.

  As of 2020, Associate Professor Akhmedov Alisher Astanovich, candidate of medical sciences, was appointed as the dean of the faculty.

  The deanery of the Faculty of Dentistry was established by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No. PF-4947 "Priority for the development of the social sphere" Further improvement of the continuous education system based on the Decree "Development of the field of education and science", increasing the possibilities of quality education services, continuing the policy of training highly qualified personnel in accordance with the modern needs of the labor market;   Take targeted measures to strengthen the material and technical base of educational institutions by building, reconstructing and overhauling them, equipping them with modern educational and laboratory equipment, computer equipment and educational and methodological manuals;

  Expanding the network of pre-school educational institutions and fundamentally improving the conditions for all-round intellectual, aesthetic and physical development of children in these institutions, seriously increasing the coverage of children with pre-school education and providing opportunities for use, raising the level of qualifications of pedagogues and specialists;   Fundamentally improving the quality of general secondary education, in-depth study of foreign languages, computer science and other important and in-demand subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology; 

  Construction of new children's sports facilities, children's music and art schools, reconstruction of existing ones in order to engage children in mass sports, to attract them to the world of music and art;

  Improvement of training and employment of students of vocational colleges in specialties that meet the needs of the market economy and employers;  

  To increase the quality and efficiency of the activities of higher education institutions based on the introduction of international standards for the assessment of the quality of education and training, to gradually increase the admission quotas to higher education institutions;

  Stimulates research and innovation activities, creates effective mechanisms for implementing scientific and innovation achievements, organizes specialized scientific and experimental laboratories, high technology centers and technology parks at universities and research institutes. 

  1001 students are studying at the faculty.

  Graduates of the faculty receive the qualification "Stomatologist-physician". In the future, there will be opportunities to study in disciplines that require in-depth training, such as "Therapeutic dentistry", "Surgical dentistry", "Orthopedic dentistry", "Children's dentistry", "Maxillofacial surgery", "Orthodontics".

Deans of faculties in various years

Lutfullayev G’ayrat Umirllayevich

2009 years

Kubaev Saidolim Esirgapovich

2009-2012 years

Zayniyev Suxrob Sobirovich

2012-2020 years

Axmedov Alisher Astanovich

2020 - p.t