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Issues of expansion of cooperation with medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan were discussed

  On 7 August Samarkand State Medical University was visited by Rector of West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov, Professor Aset Kaliyev and Advisor to the Rector Talgat Nurgozhin.

  The delegation was met by Rector of SamSMU Professor Zhasur Rizaev and Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Zafar Aminov.

  Thus, the issues of expansion of cooperation with medical universities of the neighbouring republic were considered, including expansion of cooperation between  West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov and Samarkand State Medical University in the sphere of scientific and medical innovations, formation of the base of international educational experience, training of modern specialists, also the agreement on acceleration of work within the framework of implementation of academic mobility programmes between the universities was reached.

  At the end of the meeting the guests were given souvenirs with the emblem of the University.

Press service of SamSMU