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Morally and educational work of the department

The independent future of the republic depends on the preparation of highly qualified and spiritual potential of young people. The main task of working with students is to convey to the younger generation all the goals and objectives of spiritual and moral education set before the President.

Work with the younger generation is aimed at:

  • strengthen spiritual and educational work in order to educate young people in the spirit of patriotism
  • to cultivate greater devotion to the ideals of national independence.
  • Fostering love for the Motherland, creating a free and prosperous country, believing in a great and noble goal.
  • develop a sense of respect for national traditions, tolerance and universal values
  • development of ideological immunity from bad diseases, education of a healthy lifestyle.
    The department subscribes to periodicals, purchases modern literature, magazines and posters. Research is promoted through informational, educational and curatorial materials.