Cultural and educational work of the department President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sh.M. Mirziyoyev noted: “One of the most important and topical issues is the education of young people with high culture, modern knowledge and professions, an independent opinion in the spirit of national and general human values.”
Based on the information obtained from the materials of the “information hour” of the Ministry of Secondary Specialized Education, regular “information hours” were held every Thursday week with students of the Faculty of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Technologies.
Stuff of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Technologies in the 2022-2023 academic year carried out mentoring work on the principle of a mentor-student with groups 504, 505, 506 among 5th year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy. In order to provide a meaningful organization of students' free time, visits to various historical monuments, shrines, theaters and concerts in our city were organized.
In the winter months, the leaders of all academic groups got acquainted with the living conditions of students living in rented premises, a general faculty photo album has been prepared. Particular attention was paid to fire safety and living conditions in student dormitories. In order to use students' free time from classes, laboratory work on topics of interest to students is widely covered according to the “teacher-student” system established at the department. .
The works of great thinkers, poets, scientists were read at the department. The Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Technology held the Young Reader competition at Dormitary No.1. Several dormitory students took an active part in the competition. Intensive discussions were held on the books brought to the exhibition, their authors, events in creativity, students who actively participated in the session were presented with various gifts.
On the wide area of the university building, all students, faculty and rector of the University, J.A.Rizaev held a solemn event dedicated to the 31st anniversary of independence of Uzbekistan and enthusiastically celebrated the beginning of a new academic year.