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Morally and educational work of the department

  Systematic organization of spiritual and educational work in our country, increasing the efficiency of the measures implemented in this regard, raising the intellectual potential of the population, especially the youth, their thinking and worldview, strengthening their ideological immunity, with a sense of patriotism, love and loyalty to the people. special attention is being paid to raising a well-rounded generation. In this regard, the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-5040 dated March 26, 2021 "On measures to fundamentally improve the system of spiritual and educational affairs" was adopted, and spiritual and spiritual education in our republic was adopted. A clear example of this is the fact that a number of priority tasks have been set to bring the reef system to a qualitatively new level.

  Therefore, spiritual and educational work is the most important direction of the activity of the Department of Social Hygiene. In the department, spiritual and educational work is carried out on the basis of an approved plan. The teacher in charge of this work is Nomozboyeva M.A. coordinates and organizes.

  In the department, the work that should be carried out in the field of spiritual, educational and education is carried out mainly in the following priority directions:

  •  Organizational and educational work;
  •  Propagation of the national idea;
  •  Fight against religious extremism, fanaticism, international terrorism, as well as education of inter-ethnic harmony and inter-religious tolerance;
  •  Education in the spirit of love for the motherland, loyalty to one's nation, people, education of national pride;
  •  Formation of political culture and legal consciousness;
  •  Ideological education;
  •  Mental education;
  •  Education in the spirit of respect for universal values;
  •  Forming a healthy lifestyle.

  The following activities are carried out among students in the department along with professors-teachers in the directions listed above:

  formation of an active citizenship position among students, determination of democratic principles based on national and universal values in society;

  to effectively convey to students the essence of the political, economic, social, spiritual and educational reforms implemented in our country, and the adopted legal documents;

  participation in activities aimed at studying and improving the socio-spiritual environment among the students of the department

  carrying out effective propaganda against various internal and external threats that threaten peace and tranquility, stable development of our country, values and traditions, and humanitarian ideals;

  to strengthen the ideas of creativity in the socio-spiritual life of students, to further strengthen the atmosphere of religious tolerance and inter-ethnic harmony. forming a healthy lifestyle philosophy among students;

  organization of free time of students in accordance with the direction and specialization of the educational institution, organization of various clubs.

Clips from spiritual and educational activities and informational hours