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Morally and educational work of the department

  Special attention is paid to the systematic organization of spiritual and educational work in our country, increasing the effectiveness of activities carried out in this direction, increasing the intellectual potential, consciousness and worldview of the population, especially young people, strengthening ideological immunity, educating a harmonious generation living in the spirit of patriotism, love and devotion to the people. A good example is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 26, 2021 No. PP-5040 "On measures to radically improve the system of spiritual and educational work", which defines a number of priority tasks to bring the system of spiritual and educational work in the Republic to a qualitatively new level.

  Therefore, spiritual and educational work is the most important activity of the Department of Social Hygiene. Spiritual and educational work at the department is carried out on an ongoing basis according to the approved plan. This work at the department is conducted, coordinated and organized by the responsible teacher Musaeva O. T.

  The department systematically conducts work in the spiritual, educational and educational spheres, mainly in the following priority areas:

  • Organizational and educational work;
  • Promotion of the national idea;
  • Combating religious extremism, fanaticism, international terrorism, as well as fostering interethnic harmony and interreligious tolerance;
  • Education in the spirit of love for the Motherland, devotion to their people, education of national pride;
  • Formation of political culture and legal awareness;
  • Ideological education;
  • Mental discipline;
  • To educate in the spirit of respect for universal values;
  • Formation of a healthy lifestyle.

  In the above areas, the department, together with the teaching staff, carries out the following work among students:

  the formation of an active civic position among students, the consolidation of democratic principles in society based on national and universal values;

  effective communication to students of the content of political, economic, social, spiritual and educational reforms carried out in our country, adopted legislative acts;

  participation in activities aimed at studying and improving the socio-spiritual environment among students of the department

  conducting effective propaganda work against various internal and external threats that threaten peace and tranquility, sustainable development of our country, values and traditions, as well as humane ideas;

  strengthening the ideas of creativity in the socio-spiritual life of students, further strengthening the atmosphere of religious tolerance and interethnic harmony.

  formation of the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle among students;

  organization of leisure time for students, organization of various circles in accordance with the direction and specialization of the educational institution.

Excerpts from spiritual and educational work and information hour.\