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Educational and methodical work of the department

  At the Department 3,4,5, students of the Faculty of work of the Faculty of medical and pedagogical, medical work of the 4th year students of the Faculty of medical and pedagogical, medical work of the Faculty of Labor hygiene, communal hygiene, children's junior hygiene, nutrition hygiene and Radiotsional hygiene are trained on the basis of the program "military hygiene".

  The department provides training of highly qualified specialists in the field of Master's and clinical residency.

  Training is carried out for each course and faculty according to the following approved documents:

  -Qualification characteristic;

  - State standard;

  - Training program;

  - Training working program;

  - Educational technologies include:

  - Amendments according to the order of the SSV №80 of the UZR;

  - approved diagnosis standards;

  - international recommendations;

  - modern educational technologies (graphic organisers, keys technology and Projekt method).

  In the process of training, there are the following technical support:

  A telecommunications system is organized, and videos, presentations, multimedia programs, lectures and practical classes on the topic are shown using TVs connected to a central computer. There is a single Bank of scanned images designed for uniformed training, compiled according to the curriculum, and corresponding to all sections of the curriculum.

  Department Library:

  • The library has more than 40 educational literature in English, Uzbek and Russian.
  • The electronic library includes textbooks, atlases, teaching aids, teaching aids and others.

  For students, screening of patients on the subject in ultrasound and Radiological diagnostic rooms is organized