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Science club

  The department is constantly working with gifted students, the results of which are reflected in reports and abstracts of national and international conferences, where students deservedly receive diplomas every year.

  The organization of research activities of students in the direction of "Neurology" at the department is carried out according to the approved plan. Students who are members of the club take part in scientific and practical conferences, Olympiads.

  Each student is attached to the teachers of the department and actively participates in scientific research in accordance with the traditions of "teacher-student".

  Meetings of the scientific club are held during the academic year. All participants of the club are informed about the procedure for conducting research work, collecting primary documents, recording them and maintaining them during their activities. Based on the plan drawn up at the beginning of the educational year, students together with teachers conduct master classes on the preparation of a scientific article and report, rules for working with scientific literature, methods of collecting and working on materials on a specific topic, results and discussion of research, rules for their publication. They also take an active part in conducting paraclinical examination methods required by neurologists and analyzing the results obtained.

  Based on the annual plan, the participants of the club participate in local and international scientific and practical conferences and, together with the staff of the department, analyze the formation of oratorical abilities, evaluate the effectiveness and results of the scientific work done. Each participant conducts a report on a topic of interest to him, takes an active part in master classes conducted by the teaching staff. Students independently practice practical skills, under the supervision of teachers, curation and analysis of patients of both neurological and pediatric neurological departments are carried out.

  During the year, talented students of our department together with their teachers published theses and articles in domestic and foreign scientific journals, as well as receive certificates.

  In 2022, according to the results of the 76th International scientific and practical conference "Achievements of fundamental, Applied medicine and Pharmacy", which was held at SamSMU.

- Kayumov Sardor, a student of the 519th group of the pediatric faculty, was awarded the nomination "Creative Thinking" for his scientific work on the topic "Diabetic neuropathies in children" and received a diploma of the III degree,

- student of group 308 of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy Abrorova Viloyatkhon was awarded the nomination "Best presentation" for her scientific work on the topic “Bosh mia kon tomir kasallari” and received a diploma of the II degree,

- a student of the 319th group of the Faculty of Medicine Mukhtarova Maftun was awarded the nomination "Best report" for scientific work on the topic “Vegetative changes in obesity in children” and received a diploma of the I degree