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Scientific circle

  Currently, the Department of Internal Diseases No. 4 has a student scientific circle. The head of the circle, the head of the department, J.A. Ismailov, and the responsible assistant, N. N. Makhmatmuradova. At the department, students are engaged in the areas of pulmonology, gastroenterology, cardiology, students are given directions for research work. Under the guidance of the department staff, students participate in scientific conferences, publish theses and scientific articles in national and international journals.

  Teachers of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 4 conduct their activities, always guided by the principle of a mentor-student, while regularly conducting research work with the requirements for giftedness assigned to them at the beginning of the academic year. They work on the preparation of abstracts and articles for various scientific and practical conferences held in the republic, the CIS and abroad, and also use their pedagogical skills. Actively held presentations conducted by the staff of the department in the circle, and explanation of the principles of supervision and treatment of patients on this topic. One student is assigned to each teacher, the topics of the circle are prepared every month, which are held monthly, and there are illustrated protocols for each topic covered. 5 gifted students participate in the scientific circle. These are students of the 3rd year of medical biology, medical faculty and 5 courses of medical biology in the specialty of internal medicine.

  In the international student Olympiad, organized by the Samarkand State Medical University, our students also took an active part and were awarded diplomas, nominations and certificates for 2nd place.

- Student of group 504 of the medical faculty Azamov Abror was awarded a diploma 2 prizes

- Donabayeva Nozima 304 group Faculty of Medical Biology with the nomination "the best implementation of practical application"

- Shakhritdinov Latif is a student of group 511 of the medical faculty. "The most original solution to situational problems".

- Ruzmanova Gavharshodbegim, student of group 502 of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy, was awarded a certificate

- Meliboeva Khurshida, student of group 305, was awarded a certificate of the Faculty of Medical Biology

  Our students took an active part in the 76th International Conference. In this place:

- Azamov Abror, a student of group 504 of the Faculty of Medicine, made a presentation and was awarded a nomination and a certificate for the most demanded scientific work.

- Ruzmanova Gavharshodbegim, student of group 502, faculty of medical pedagogy

- Donabayeva Nozima 304 group Faculty of Medical Biology 3rd place Diploma

- Ibragimov Saidburkhan 508 medical faculty 3rd place diploma