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Research work of the department

    At the department all employees in their work they participate in scientific research works. Main research field - " Adults and in children contagious and contagious didn't happen breath ways and food digestion to do of the ways pathology ".

    Below chair employees scientific research works 

  1. Khamidova Farida Muinovna Head of Department "Kletochnye i tkaneviye vzaimootnoshenia v legkix pri formirovaniye vrojdyonnogo I priobretennogo immuniteta v ontogeneze i v usloviyax patologi» Dissertation work Professor S.A. Blinova, Tursunov Hasan Ziyaevich
  2.  Abdullayev Bakhtiyor Saidovich Associate Professor «Tizimli angiopatiyalarda juftlashgan va yarim juftlashgan venalar anastomozlarining topografik variantlari va patomorfologiyasi» Scientific article Professor B.A. Magrupov.
  3.  Eshkabilov Tura Jurayevich Associate Professor «Surunkali gepatitlar va gepatopatiyalar va jigar sirrozining patomorfoziga doir». Scientific article Professor B.A. Magrupov.
  4.  Jumanov Ziyadulla Eshmamatovich Associate Professor «Issiq arid zona sharoitida o'lim vaqtini aniqlash». Dissertation work Professor S.I.  Indiaminov. 
  5.  Urakov Kuvondik Nematillayevych Assistant «Turli darajali gestozlarda platsentaning morfologiyasi». Scientific article Professor B.A. Magrupov.
  6.  Amonova Gulafzal Uzbekbayevna  Senior lecturer « Pnevmopatiyaning atelektatik shakli bilan tug’ilgan chaqaloqlar o’limida bosh miya tuzilmalarining zararlanish jihatlari» Scientific article Associate Professor Z.E. Jumanov. 
  7.  Ismailov Jasur Mardonovich Assistant «Perinatal ontogenez va o'pka kasalliklarida bronxlardagi bezlarning morfofunktsional o'zgarishlarining xususiyatlari». Dissertation work Associate Professor F.M. Khamidova. 

    Free applicants of the Department of Pathological Anatomy, with a course of sectional biopsy of the 2nd Medical Faculty of Samarkand State Medical University in 2023, successfully defended doctoral dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences (PhD): Amonova Gulafzal Uzbekbaevna on the topic “Morphological aspects of brain structures upon the death of young children born with an atelectasis form of pneumopathy,” Abdullayev Sultan Davlat ogly on the topic “Aspects of morphological and morphometric changes in skin structures in congenital ichthyosis depending on age and climatic conditions,” scientific Seminars were also held to discuss dissertations Khamidova Farida Muinovna on the topic “Cellular and tissue relationships in the lungs during the formation of innate and acquired immunity in ontogenesis and in conditions of pathology” and Jumanov Ziyadullo Eshmamatovich on the topic “Determination of the time of death in a hot arid zone” for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc), as well as Ismailov Jasur Mardonovich on the topic “Morphofunctional characteristics of changes in the bronchial glands in ontogenesis and pathology of the lungs in children” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences (PhD).

    The scientific potential of the department is 42.8%. This year, employees of the department co-authored 4 patents, 6 electronic computer programs, 1 article in a foreign journal indexed in the Scopus database, 50 articles in republican and foreign journals indexed by the Higher Attestation Commission, 30 theses.

    This year, the staff of the department published 8 scientific and methodological recommendations and 2 monographs.

    Several talented students, members of the student scientific society of the department, participated in conferences, congresses and olympiads organized this year in the Republic and in foreign countries, taking places of honor.

    Professors and teachers of the department and young researchers actively participated in the seminars and round-table discussions organized by the university on the procedure and rules of using information in scientific journals and international databases. has the opportunity to use bases.