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Educational and educational-methodical works of the faculty

  The Faculty of Medical Education of the Samarkand State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established on July 6, 1984 by order of CER No. 864. The faculty of advanced training was certified and accredited on April 30, 2021 (No. 18, series No. 7000019), where the system of training and retraining of medical workers mainly includes doctors, specialists from medical institutions, retraining of family doctors (216, 504, 720, 792 , 864, 1296 hours) and refresher courses (36, 72 and 144 hours). The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized retraining courses for doctors and specialists from medical institutions of the Samarkand State Medical University.

  Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State Medical University, Faculty of Medicine and Education, 612 modules, 142 curricula, 2343 lecture texts, 234 study guides, 233 teaching aids, there are 277 guidelines, 5346 handouts, 412 electronic training kits and 27470 test questions.

  Evaluation criteria based on the results of the final control (attestation) have also been approved. Training materials developed for advanced training courses have been published in Uzbek and Russian.

  The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized advanced training courses in a total of 7 areas at the Faculty of Medical Education of Samarkand State Medical University. A sample study was conducted in the following areas:

  The following shortcomings were identified when comparing the retraining and advanced training course at the Department of Family Medicine, Pediatrics at the Department of Family Medicine of the Samarkand State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the curriculum, class schedule and educational journals:

- there are shortcomings in the regulatory documents approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated July 15, 2020 No. 16 in the specialty family medicine of group journals;

- the titles of the topics given in the schedule of classes of the rules of journal keeping are given in numbers, but a sequence of dates is provided;

- there are internal and external reviews of educational programs;

- the assessment of students in educational journals and the general numbering of journals do not comply with established standards and are not sealed.

  There are also errors and shortcomings in the order of the sequence of literature used in the term papers of some students' courses. There are no internal coursework reviews. Created a database of tests. Some shortcomings in the criteria for evaluating the thesis are revealed.

  In total, 105 professors and teachers work in the approved staff unit of the faculty (general contingent). 71 of them work in the main state, 34 on a temporary basis. The basic information of the teaching staff corresponds to the subject being taught.

  The scientific potential of the teaching staff of the faculty is 53.52%. Of the 71 professors and lecturers of the main staff, 38 have academic degrees and titles, 5 doctors of science (2 professors, 2 associate professors); 33 PhDs (14 associate professors); 10 senior teachers, 23 assistants. The scientific potential of teachers of the main staff at the faculty is 53.52%.

  In 2021-2022, 11 professors and teachers of the faculty received the degree of philosophy of medicine (PhD), 2 employees received the degree of doctor of medical sciences (DSc).