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Educational and methodical work of the department

   The department teaches 4 courses of pediatrics, 4 courses of medicine, pedagogy, general medicine on the basis of the scientific program "Endocrinology".

  The department has begun training highly qualified specialists in the field of magistracy and clinical residency, teachers conduct regular classes.

  Teaching is conducted according to the following documents approved by our university for each course and faculty:

- Qualification characteristic;

- State standard;

- Training program ;

- Education work program;

- Education technology following including:

- Order No. 80 of the Republic of Uzbekistan MLO in principle of change;

- confirmed diagnosis standards;

- international recommendations;

- modern education technology (graphic organizers, case technique and project method).

 During training, the following technical means are available:

  A telecommunications system has been established, video films, presentations, multimedia programs, lectures and practical exercises are being used.

  Department Library:

  • The library has more than 20 titles of educational literature in English, Uzbek and Russian.

  • The electronic library includes textbooks, atlases, teaching aids, teaching aids, etc.

  For students, an examination of patients being treated in the rooms of the subject department, examination of patients in the ultrasound rooms was organized. Also, students have the opportunity to see surgical interventions performed in the regional branch of the Samarkand regional branch of the Republican Specialized Endocrinological Scientific and Applied Medical Center named after academician Yu.Kh. Torakulov of the Ministry of Health.

  Practical skills are demonstrated by teachers.

  So far, professors and teachers of the department have published 6 teaching aids and 19 educational and methodological recommendations in Uzbek and other languages.