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Educational and methodical work of the department

    In recent years, the entire educational process has been updated. Its main goal is the training of highly qualified personnel with higher education and integration into the world education system. Practical classes, lectures, control of students' knowledge are conducted on the basis of recommendations, the main provisions of which are approved by the central methodological council of Sammu.

    The topics of practical classes and lectures are developed on the basis of a standard program approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and the work program of the department approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Sammu.

    Academic work at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology includes the following forms of training: practical classes, multimedia lectures, tasks for independent work of students and tasks for analysis in practical classes, intermediate and final control.

    In practical classes in clinical pharmacology, much attention is paid to the independent and educational research work of students - patients are supervised, the effectiveness and safety of therapy are evaluated.

    Lectures for all students of the faculty are held with multimedia in Uzbek and Russian. Student with lecture materials and their presentation mt.sammi.uz you can get acquainted in the e-learning system, which can significantly increase the level of assimilation of lecture material.

    In addition, for MD students, assistants conduct classes and lectures entirely in English.

    The methodical work of the department is represented by the publication of methodological developments, textbooks and teaching materials for students of the 6th year of pediatrics, the 5th year of medical-pharmaceutical and medical-pedagogical faculties, the 3rd year of the Faculty of Folk Medicine and the 4th year of the Faculty of Dentistry.