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Educational and educational-methodical works of the department

   In the academic year 2021-2022, starting from September, the educational process started in the new modern equipped building of SamMU, starting from this academic year, the educational process was transferred to the 5-day system. The department of human anatomy teaches students of the I-II year faculties of treatment, medical prevention, pediatrics, dentistry, medical biology, I-year senior nursing and I-year folk medicine faculty. In the 1st semester, the 1st-year students study the locomotor apparatus and pass the current and 1st module evaluations. II-year students They study the central and peripheral nervous system and pass the current and 3rd module assessment.

During the 2nd semester, 1st-year students study the internal organs, the cardiovascular system, and at the end of the semester, they submit the 2nd module.

Departmental information

– Qualifying characteristics;

- State standard;

- Curriculum;

- Educational working program;

- Educational technologies include the following:

- Amendments based on Order No. 80 of UzRSSV;

- approved diagnostic standards;

- international recommendations;

- modern education

technologies (graphic organizers, case technology and project method).

1. Lectures are 2 hours per stream according to the module system.

2. Practical classes once a week for 2-4 hours. Using an interactive anatomical Pirogov table

is taught.

3. Independent work of students every Saturday from 08:00 to 14:00. Under the supervision of the teacher on duty.

4. Educational research work of students - 100% of students participate.

  Starting independent work of students in the department.

Types of independent work of students in the department of human anatomy are as follows:

1. Teaching using an interactive anatomical Pirogov table.

2. Learning through anatomical preparations and visual aids.

3. Preparation of wet preparations.

4. Writing abstracts using Internet information.

5. Preparation of tables on new topics through Internet information.

6. Preparation of interactive games on science topics.

7. Making crosswords.

8. Creating trainings on the topic.

  Student learning assessment, student attendance and subject mastery data

  Monitoring and evaluation of student knowledge in the field of human anatomy, amended and supplemented by the order of the OUMTV of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 25, 2010 No. 333 "Rating regulations for monitoring and evaluation of student knowledge in higher education institutions" "and in accordance with the rector of the institute No. 43 dated September 12, 2013 "On organization of training sessions in the institute in the module system" dated December 19, 2013 "Training sessions in the institute moodle.sammi.uz students in the organization of the educational process in the "Credit-module" system, approved by the order No. 951/U sonly on the organization of the intranet electronic education system, as well as the report No. 9 of the Scientific Council of SamDMI dated June 15, 2016 is carried out on the basis of the recommendation for the assessment and control of knowledge, and is carried out as follows.

  Procedure for evaluating students' learning process.

  Evaluation is one of the stages of completion of the educational process of students and shows the level of mastery of the educational process. Determines the evaluation process: oral survey, test, written work, practical skills result.

  Evaluation according to the module system is based on the sum of the current educational process evaluations and the results of the final module control, based on the traditional 4-point system.

  The exam is conducted and evaluated in the manner of using MOM tests on the institute's ARMi computers based on the schedule prepared by the faculty dean's office, with the participation of deputy deans.