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History of the department

  The origins of the department originate from the period of formation of the institute. «Medical rehabilitation", "physical rehabilitation", "sports medicine" are the basic medical specialties. Preserving the generally accepted form of these specialties, the staff of the department filled them with the author's content.

  The main motto of the department staff is "Without the past (the history of the department) there are no real achievements, and the present reality determines the future direction of medical rehabilitation».

  Until 2021, the department was based on the basis of the 1-SamMI Clinic

  In the clinic of the Samarkand State Medical Institute, the treatment of patients with physiotherapeutic methods was founded in 1934, one of the first in our republic. In the same year, two physiotherapy rooms were organized, which are currently located in the therapeutic building. The first employees of the department were physiotherapist V.V. Dolgikh, nurse M.P. Litvinova and the nurse M.I. Mokrousov. In 1935, a massage room was opened as part of the department, where M. Skrebneva and V.S. Egorova worked.

  After the founding of the Uzbek State Medical Institute (now the Samarkand State Medical Institute) in May of 1930, and with the need to include the discipline of physiotherapy in the educational process in the training of medical specialists, the first course of physiotherapy was opened on the basis of the department in 1936, which was initially part of the department of “Faculty therapy”. Physiotherapy course (as part of the Department of Faculty Therapy) in 1936-1956 was headed by Associate Professor P.I. Denisova-Suschevskaya. She came to the medical institute with the first wave of scientific and pedagogical personnel, which was formed by attracting local doctors, scientists, teachers

  During World War II in 1942-1944, department of physiotherapy and balneology functioned under the leadership of Colonel of the Military Medical Academy Ya.A. Broderzon.

  A special contribution to the development of the department and the course of physiotherapy was made by medical residents who worked in 1945-1980: A.F. Tekuchaeva, H. Malenskaya, A.D. Zhalalov, V.A. Polyakova, B.A. Red, M.S. Saidova, K.G. Abdurakhmanova, L.D. Mukhamedzhanova, M.M. Akhmedova.

  It should also be noted and emphasized the contribution of Associate Professor Z.B. Oblakulova, who has been working continuously since 1936 and participated in the improvement of the physiotherapy service to the population.

  From 1966 to 1990, the physiotherapy department was headed by B.A. Krasniy, because of whose efforts, the opinion about the generality of the applied principles and methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases using natural and preformed physical factors was strengthened

  At the same time, the therapeutic and prophylactic direction of medicine was developing in the Samarkand region in the form of medical control and physiotherapy exercises. The offices of anthropometry, medical control for athletes and athletes, patients with pathology of the musculoskeletal system, began to be organized. Along with the increase in the number of people involved in physical education and sports, a shortage of specialists who know the issues of physical education, medical supervision and physical therapy began to be noted. Implementation of the thesis of the first People's Commissar of Health N.A. Semashko “Without medical supervision - there is no Soviet physical education" led to the formation and opening of departments of the corresponding profile”.

  At that period a course of physiotherapy, medical supervision and medical physical culture was organized as part of the department of faculty therapy, where associate professors were conducting pedagogical activities: Z.B. Oblokulova, V.F. Daminova, U.A. Badalhodzhaeva, R.M. Rakhimbaeva, Yu.P. Slovokhotov; assistants: V.A. Polyakova, V.I. Krivoruchko, V.V. Falyants, V.M., Chekmarev, K.G. Abdurakhmanova, L.Kh. Isankulova, R.V. Latysheva, A.F. Garib, who, simultaneously with educational and pedagogical activities, actively participated in the conduct of physiotherapy and physiotherapy procedures.

  Staff of the course of physiotherapy, medical supervision and physical therapy

  It should be noted that throughout the entire time there was close cooperation between the course staff and the following physicians-residents of the physiotherapy department: S.A. Zamonova, Z.A. Eshkobilova, M.R. Akramov. Nurses worked tirelessly next to the staff of the course and the department: A. Zhuraeva, Zh. Yuldasheva, M. Zaripova, M. Khamdamov, G. Tillaev, S. Tukhtaminov, M. Mamatova.

  In 1990-1994, the Department of Physiotherapy was headed by Associate Professor W.A. Badalhodzhaeva, at the same time combining his medical activities with teaching activities on the course. In 1994-2016, the head of the department was M.M. Akhmedov, and from 2016 to the present day the department is headed by S.Sh. Yusupov.

  According to the WHO definition, rehabilitation is a process aimed at providing comprehensive assistance to sick and disabled people in order to achieve the maximum possible physical, mental, professional, social and economic usefulness with a given disease. And in carrying out rehabilitation measures, physiotherapy exercises are important.

  Since 1960, in the SamMI clinic, methods of physical therapy (exercise therapy) have been introduced into the process of treating patients. As part of the physiotherapy department, a physiotherapy room was organized. The cabinet was equipped with simulators, various equipment for medical gymnastics. Exercise therapy procedures as an auxiliary method of therapy have become widely used in the treatment of patients in somatic departments. L.D. Mukhamedzhanova, N.V. Muravyova, G.N. Rakhimova and etc.

  On the basis of the cabinet, a course of medical control and physiotherapy exercises began to function at the department of faculty therapy of SamMI. Training rooms were organized, where practical classes were conducted for students of the medical institute. The course was supervised by associate professors Yu.P. Slovookhotov, V.I. Krivoruchko, R.M. Rakhimbaeva, G.N. Rakhimova. Course assistants V.M. Chekmarev, L.Kh. Isankulova, A.F. Garib, V.G. Falyants, L.G. Muradova performed consultative and medical work in the departments of the clinic on the use of exercise therapy methods, to patients according to indications.

  The head of the department of physiotherapy exercises of the 1-SamMI Clinic for a long time is an experienced specialist L.Kh. Isankulova.

  Understanding the importance of combining efforts to introduce and widely use non-pharmacological treatment and prevention methods in clinical and health practice, the importance of consolidating scientific and methodological developments in the field of restorative medicine necessitated the creation of an independent department. By order of the rector in 2014, the department of "Medical rehabilitation, physiotherapy and sports medicine" was organized by combining the relevant courses allocated from the department of internal diseases. The department was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Mavlyanova Zilola Farkhadovna.


  From 2014 to this day, Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Traditional Medicine Ph.D., Associate Professor Zilola Farhadovna Mavlyanova. Graduated: Samarkand State Medical Institute in 2000 (direction of pediatrics), clinical residency in the specialty "Nervous diseases 2000-2002, graduate school 2005-2007. In 2007, a Ph.D. thesis was defended on the topic" Neuropsychiatric development of children of the first year of life with intrauterine chlamydia infection. " From 2007 to 20014 Associate Professor of Neurology, Samarkand State Medical Institute. 2015-2020 Dean, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Samarkand State Medical Institute. Since 2014 up to date, Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Traditional Medicine. Currently, she is working on her dissertation on work for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic "Relationship of neurological and nutritive status in childr en with cerebral palsy."

  Additional education: medical physical education and sports medicine (second specialty).

  State awards: badge "On the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan"; Winner of the republican competition in the nomination "Best Associate Professor of 2019"

  Member of the editorial board of the "Neurological journal named after L.O.Badalyan ", Moscow

  Author of2 textbooks ("Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation"), 5 teaching aids (including a Guide in five volumes "Fundamentals of the Theory and Practice of Integrated Medical and Social Rehabilitation," Volume IY "Social and Labor, Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of Rehabilitation," Moscow, 2019), 4 monographs (in the areas of sports medicine and neurology), more than 100 scientific articles (for the last 3 Study of the methods allocation of bioactive substances from two species of desert plants Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology // 21(41⅋42):80-93; 2020, ISNN: 0972-2025; Cerebral Palsy as a Nutritional Problem // American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2020, 10(7): 487-493, DOI: 10.5923/j.ajmms.20201007.11; Application of rehabilitation equipment Nuga Best in a comprehensive program of rehabilitation treatment of patients with ankylorizing spondyloarthritis//J. Sports medicine: science and practice, Moscow; Medical and psychological rehabilitation: criteria and methods of organization, factors affecting the process of recovery of patients with coronavirus infection (review )//J. Cardiorespiratory studies (co-authored by Associate Professor Pomytkina T.Yu. (Izhevsk)); Differential phenomenology of chronic musculoskeletal pain of affective genesis in neurological, neurosurgical and psychiatric practice: focus on fibromyalgia//J. Neurology and neurosurgical research (et al. professional. Reverchuk I.V. (Kaliningrad)) and others 10 rationalization proposals (including co-authored with a professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine of the Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine "Bukovinsky State Medical University" Polyanskaya O.S.), 10 programs for electronic computers.

  Since August 2020, the department has been renamed into the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Traditional Medicine.

  Since June 2021, the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Traditional Medicine has been located on the basis of the Samarkand Regional Rehabilitation Hospital.

  In order to further improve the system of training highly qualified personnel, strengthen the institutional, educational and pedagogical potential, organize the educational process at the Samarkand State Medical Institute in accordance with international standards, protect public health, conduct scientific research on topical issues in the field of rehabilitation and sports medicine on a systematic basis , determined by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 1, 2022 No. PP-188 "On the establishment of the Samarkand State Medical University and the further improvement of the system of training in this area", on the basis of the Samarkand Regional Hospital for Rehabilitation of Health, located in the village of Urtashik, Samarkand District, Samarkand Region, organized Research Institute of Rehabilitology and Sports Medicine at Samarkand State Medical University.

Employees of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Traditional Medicine