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Meetings "Dean and youth" are held at the faculties of SamSMU

  On September 20, a meeting "Dean and Youth", in connection with the beginning of the new academic year, was held at the Faculties of Pharmacy and Pediatrics of Samarkand State Medical University. The meeting was attended by deans of faculties, their deputies, teachers and students.

  Thus, the students were informed about the beginning of the new academic year. In particular, they were given detailed information about the organization of educational and pedagogical process, innovations in the education system in the new academic year. Also, the deans of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pediatrics told about the internal discipline, the need to study well and take an active part in the social life of the university.

  The meeting with students was held in the style of open dialogue, all their proposals and appeals were studied, and all their questions were answered in detail.

Press servis SamSMU