On November 30, awareness event in connection with the International Day of AIDS - December 1 was held at SamSMU. The event was attended by a doctor-epidemiologist of the Samarkand Regional AIDS Center D.M.Akhmedova, a laboratory assistant J.Shirinboev, the chairman of the Women's council G.I.Khudayberdiyeva, the head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities A.N.Makhmudova, Deputy Dean for Youth Work M.O.Zaripov, faculty tutors and 1st year students.
Thus, the participants got information about AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), which affects 1.5 million people worldwide every year,as well as the origin and spread of the 21st century plague. It was also noted that controlling the spread of the infection requires awareness and vigilance, not only the part of medical professionals, but also all society.
Also during the meeting, on the initiative of the Dean of the 1st Medical Faculty, Lutfullaev G. U., an awareness campaign on "Socio-psychological factors influencing of religious extremist ideas on women and girls in society". The deputy of Samarkand city council, the head of Samarkand regional propaganda group Zohidova S.H., the chairman of Women's Council Hudayberdiyeva G.I., the head of the chair of social sciences and humanities Mahmudova A.N., deputy dean of the faculty on work with youth Zaripov M.O. participated in the event and they talked about different aspects of women and girls position in society, gave information about the reasons and consequences of falling under the influence of extremist ideas. The event took the form of a discussion and the students got answers to their questions.

SamSMU Press service