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We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Congress of Dentists “Modern approach to treatment and prevention of dental diseases” (November 22-23, 2024; SamSMU)!

Dear Colleagues!

  Samarkand State Medical University and the Uzbekistan Dental Association invite you to participate in the International Scientific and Practical Congress of Dentists "Modern Approaches to the Treatment and Prevention of Dental Diseases" which will take place on November 22-23, 2024, in Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan.

  The Congress is dedicated to the implementation of the WHO Strategy for Oral Health. The primary goal of the event is to unite specialists in dentistry to discuss new technologies, treatment methods, and disease prevention approaches.

  Venue: Venue: Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand. Silk Road Tourist Center, Changan Hall Conference at the "Silk Road by Minyoun" Hotel.

  Congress Program:

  • Sectional meetings focused on the following areas:
  • Maxillofacial surgery and dental surgery;
  • Therapeutic dentistry;
  • Prosthetic dentistry;
  • Pediatric dentistry and orthodontics;
  • Oral surgery and dental implantology.
  • Masterclasses for practicing dentists on implantology, orthodontics, and digital dentistry, conducted by companies such as Dentium, Sarus, Osstem Implant, MegaGen, GC, and training centre Dental Academy.
  • A roundtable discussion with leading specialists, including members of the FDI and WHO division, who will share experiences regarding the implementation of preventive dental disease measures.
  • Exhibition of the latest technologies and materials.

Official languages of the conference: Uzbek, Russian, and English.

Format: Offline event.


  • Rector of Samarkand State Medical University, member of the Dental Association of CIS countries, DSc, Professor - Jasur Alimdzhanovich Rizaev,
  • WHO Expert on Preventive Dentistry, Professor - Denis Bourgeois,
  • Past President of the World Dental Federation - Gerhard Seeberger,
  • President-Elect of the World Dental Federation - Nikolai Sharkov,
  • Representative of the World Dental Federation - Bedros Yavru-Sakuk,
  • Professor at the University of Milan - Riccardo Rosati,
  • Professor at the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky (MONIKI) - Malkan Amkhadova,
  • Representative of the International Dental Association "Commonwealth" («Содружество») of CIS countries in FDI, Associate Professor at MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky - Elena Ivanova,
  • Dean of the School of Dentistry at S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Chief Dentist of Kazakhstan, President of the Unified Kazakhstan Association of Dentists, Professor - Saule Yesimbayeva.

  As a result of the Congress, a "Work Plan" is expected to be developed and approved for the implementation of the WHO Concept on Dental Health Protection for countries that are part of the Interstate Dental Association "Commonwealth" («Содружество»),           based on the identification of the most informative indicators for evaluating dental treatment and prevention measures that can be applied in our countries.


  • For effective and more comfortable participation at the Congress, the Organizing Committee offers paid participation packages and financial assistance. Contact person: Farangiz Valieva: +998 33 276 08 08 , .
  • Before submitting an application for participation, please carefully review the program and participation packages. In case of refusal or inability to attend the event, the Organizer retains 50% of the amount specified in the issued invoice.
  • Registration and submission of scientific articles by participants must be done via the website: until November 1, 2024.
  • Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses.

Contact Information:

Aziz Saydalimovich Kubaev: +998 91 521 32 00 , .

Temurbek Zafarovich Abdullaev: +998 91 536 26 22  , .

Alisher Isamiddinovich Khazratov: +998 90 251 22 11 , .

We look forward to seeing you at the Congress and hope for your active participation in the discussions, which will help develop effective approaches to solving current issues.

Sincerely, Organizing Committee!