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Spiritual and educational work of the department

  One of the main activities of the staff of the department is the formation of high spiritual and moral qualities among students, the development of interest in professional activity, the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle, the wide involvement of students in cultural events held at the university. Therefore, spiritual and educational work is the most important activity of the Department No. 1 of Pediatrics and Neonatology. At the department, spiritual and educational work is carried out on the basis of an approved plan. This work is coordinated and organized by the responsible teacher Gaibullaev Zh.Sh.

  At the department, professors and teachers conduct "Information and mentoring hours" among students:

  The staff of the department and students get acquainted with the works and speeches of President Sh.M.Mirziyoyev, decrees and decisions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as spiritual and educational work in order to educate the mature generation, increase and improve the universal, national and spiritual worldview of youth.

The first priority initiative among students at the department serves to increase students' interest in music, painting, literature, theater and other types of art, revealing their talent;

The second initiative is among students at the department, that is, physical training of young people, the manifestation of their abilities in the field of sports;

The third initiative is among the students at the department to identify talented students who know computer technology and are able to use Internet networks effectively, and also contribute to their further development among the population and youth;

Fourth, among the students of the department - to raise the morale of young people, organize systematic work on this, promote reading books among them;

The fifth initiative-in order to study the issues of women's employment, the department conducted interviews with graduates and collected information about their employment.