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Spiritual - educational time.

  Spiritual and educational activities are carried out on the basis of the approved plan, according to which various events dedicated to historical dates, national holidays, sports competitions, and marathons are held. "INFORMATION TIME" is held every Thursday in the department, in which students and employees of the department are informed aboutruling and distribution of the President of the Republic, Uzbekistan,and of the Cabinet of Ministers, and news about the country and abroad. Informationis provided and recorded in the report. Teacher ass.M.F Amonova, in charge of spiritual and educational times at the department.

  The department holds talks and holidays with students on the topics of independence, the constitution, the holiday of Navruz and May 9th.

  Assistants of the department take an active part in the festive events of the university.

  Formation of high spiritual and moral values among students, development of interest in professional activities, formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle, widespread involvement of students in cultural events held at the university is one of the main directions of the department's activity. For the implementation of these tasks, curatorial groups are attached to the department, and their activities are carried out based on the approved plan.

Employees of the department conduct master classes with students at DMC Lectures are organized on interesting topics.

Employees of the department hold sports events together with the students of the department.

  Assistants of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №3 on the implementation of the tasks set at the (open dialogue) meeting of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the representatives of the health sector on March 18, 2022 Payariq district DMA administration conducts a health check on providing paternal assistance to the district population.