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Morally and educational work of the department

  The Department of Neurosurgery is constantly working to take care of the young generation studying at our university, to educate a healthy, comprehensively developed person. Based on this, spiritual and educational work is considered one of the most important activities of the Department of Neurosurgery. At the department, spiritual and educational work is carried out continuously, on the basis of the plan approved at the beginning of the academic year. Responsible for spiritual and educational work - associate professor, MD, experienced teacher and neurosurgeon A.Sh. Shodiev.

  At the department, the teaching staff work with students on the following topics and areas:

  Educational works are represented by the works and speeches of the President of our Republic Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, resolutions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers, in particular the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, and the Ministry of Health;

  Spiritual and educational work is also being carried out in order to educate the mature generation, improve and improve the qualities of the universal, national and spiritual worldview of young people.

  Successful implementation and development of reforms carried out in the field of creativity in the republic;

  Formation and development of students' philosophy of a healthy lifestyle;

  Improving political and legal culture among students;

  Timely provide students with objective information about socio-political and other important events taking place in the world and in the country;

  Formation of a healthy spiritual and educational environment among students;

  Organization of students' leisure in accordance with the direction and specialization of the Department of Neurosurgery of Samarkand State Medical University, organization of meetings of circles on "Neurosurgery", "Military Field Surgery".

  The following important pedagogical tasks are set, aimed at the spiritual and educational enrichment of young people and their protection from alien ideas:

  - formation of a healthy worldview among young people, including reading skills, increasing the culture of rational use of the Internet, information and communication technologies, strengthening their ideological immunity against ideological and information attacks;

  - a comprehensive clarification of the essence of the complex geopolitical and ideological processes taking place in the world, conducting an effective ideological struggle against terrorism, religious extremism, fanaticism, separatism, human trafficking, "mass culture", drug trafficking and other threats.

  - development and implementation of a comprehensive system of measures aimed at eliminating internal threats that impede the sustainable development of our society, such as indifference to the fate of the country, parochialism, clan bias, neglect of family values and education of young people;

  - work with unorganized youth at the place of residence, establishing cooperation with public organizations in the socio-economic activation of this category;

  - development and implementation of measures to preserve the historical heritage, customs and traditions of the national education of our people, strengthening the environment of interreligious tolerance, interethnic harmony and mutual kindness among the general population, especially among our youth.

  The main requirements for the system of professional training of students are reflected in the following principles:

  • the principle of expediency - the organizational and structural construction of the system in accordance with certain concepts, basic ideas, programs, tasks;

  • the principle of integrativity - requires the integration of separate differentiated parts and functions of the system into a single whole and gives integrity to this process;

  • the principle of nurturing education - the active use of the educational potential of the subjects taught for the purpose of personal development of students, the formation of positive motivation for working on themselves and directing them to creative and practical activities outside of school;

  • the principle of humanism - requires the adaptation of moral and ethical standards to life situations;

  • the principle of homogeneity of requirements for professors-teachers and group trainers - implies mutual agreement of requirements for all objects of the educational process;

  • the principle of adaptability - is implemented by adapting the pedagogical system to external and internal factors and conditions;

  • the principle of functionality - the integrated use of all the main functions of the system of vocational education for students;

  • the principle of generation - the system of vocational education of students should generate (find, offer, promote) new ideas to speed up activities aimed at developing the system;

  • the principle of scientific character - a scientific approach to the substantiation of the conceptual aspects of the activity and development of educational systems;

  • the principle of professional orientation – the assimilation by future specialists of the moral and ethical rules of a professional society;

  • the principle of systematization, continuity and succession of the activities of the system of vocational education of students requires the comprehensive implementation of all tasks and the prevention of imbalance and disunity.

  The Department of Neurosurgery of the Samara State Medical University pays great attention to spiritual and educational work, including organizational work, practical training, patriotism, ideological, civil, physical, labor training, interethnic harmony and interreligious tolerance, the fight against drug addiction, professional spirituality. Classes on artistic aesthetics and national pride are held regularly.

Professors and teachers of the department held a meeting with students of the curatorial group

Professors and teachers of the department at a mass sporting event with the participation of students

  The plan of spiritual and educational and moral and educational work will be drawn up in accordance with the plan developed at the Samarkand State Medical University in accordance with the reforms being carried out in our country in the spiritual, social, economic, political and legal spheres. country.

  In essence, the requirements defined in the plan, to educate students in perfect human qualities, to nourish the worldview of young people with constructive ideas, to spend their free time meaningfully, to ensure the harmony of spiritual events with educational ones, reflects a number of issues related to the formation of a sense of ownership of intellectual property, support for initiative and innovation , achieving national peace and cohesion.

  During the year, each coach of the group develops a plan of work with his group, and on the basis of this plan, approved by the dean of the pediatric faculty of the university, moral and educational, educational, propaganda activities are held with the students of the group. Information about the work done is presented in reports (12 months and 37 weeks) based on the work plan of each group of trainers.

  In conclusion, the spiritual and educational work at the department is organized and approved on the basis of the plans of the youth, spiritual and educational departments of the rector's office and the dean's office of the pediatric faculty and is carried out regularly and consistently throughout the academic years. The participation of the staff of the department is ensured in all events held at the university. Every week, with the participation of the staff of the department and students, "Information and mentoring hours" are held, related to spirituality and enlightenment.