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Research work of the department

The staff of the department has developed a complete theoretical and practical support for each course in the form of modular programs and CFT in all areas.

  For classroom and independent work of domestic and foreign students, a system of methodological support has been created in all areas in the form of textbooks and teaching aids. 1 textbook is recommended by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education as a teaching aid for independent work of medical students in educational organizations that implement the basic professional training programs of higher medical education.

  All employees of the department actively participate in the research work of the department and the university.

  In recent years, the department has published more than 60 scientific papers, including 1 textbook, 2 manuals, 2 monographs, 3 electronic programs, 3 teaching aids and more than 40 publications in leading domestic and foreign journals.

Teaching aids, monographs, textbooks published by the staff of the department

The authors

Titles of published tutorials


Djamaldinova Sh.O.

Adabiyot darslarini muammoli ta`lim asosida tashkil etish metodikasi/ Monografiya, Toshkent: "Innovatsiya-Ziyo"УУК:37.091.33:398 КБК:74.268.5 2022 y.


Igamova I.S.

Bekirova E.S.

Учебное пособиепо самостоятельное работе для студентов медицинских вузов.2021 y.


Djamaldinova Sh.O.

Muammoli ta’limda adabiyot o’qitish metodikasi/Monografiya, УЎК:371.3 КБК:74.268.5 Ҳ- Тошкент: «Инновацион ривожлантириш нашриёт-матбаа уйи», 2021, ISBN 978-9943-73939-0


Djamaldinova Sh.O.

“Бошланғич синфларда матн таҳлили орқали мустақил фикрлашга ўргатиш” /ДАРСЛИК УДК:371.3 ББК: 74.268,5 Н 84. Тошкент: “Innovatsiya-Ziyo”, 2020. (ISBN 978-9943-6431-2-3). 380 B.


Djamaldinova Sh.O.

Учебно-методическое пособие для самостоятельной работы студентов-иностранцев «ПИШЕМ, ЧИТАЕМ, ГОВОРИМ ПО-РУССКИ» 2022 г.


Djamaldinova Sh.O.

«УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ ПО РАЗВИТИЮ РУССКОЙ РЕЧИ» номли ўқув-услубий қўлланма рус тили нутқини амалий ва мустақил ўрганишга қаратилган ва халқаро факултет талабалари учун мўлжалланган. 2022 г.