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Educational and educational-methodical works of the faculty

  The educational methodical work at the faculty is organized in accordance with the educational regulatory documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

  1. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" (August 29, 1997).
  2. National training program (August 29, 1997).
  3. "Regulations on higher education".
  4. State educational standard in the direction 5510100 "General Medicine".
  5. Curricula for the educational direction "General Medicine", approved by the Ministry of Higher Education.
  6. Standard and work programs in subjects.
  7. "Regulations on the rating system for monitoring and assessing students' knowledge" approved by the order of the Ministry of Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus No. 204 of 2009 with amendments based on the order of the Ministry of Aircraft and Social Security of the Republic of Belarus No. 333 of 2010.
  8. Order of the rector of SamMI No. 43 dated September 12, 2013 "On the organization of the educational process at the institute on a modular training system."
  9. Order of the rector of SamMI №951 / U dated December 19, 2013 "On the organization of the educational process at the institute in the electronic learning system moodle.sammi.uz intranet."
  10. Minutes of the Academic Council of SamMI No. 9 dated June 15, 2016 "Recommendations for the assessment and control of educational activities of students in the credit-modular system of organizing the educational process."