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Educational and methodical work of the department

    In the Department of Pharmaceutical Work Organization, students of 5 undergraduate courses of the Faculty of Pharmacy study a total of 6 subjects.

    Training is conducted according to the following approved documents for each course and faculty:

– Qualifying characteristics;

- State standard;

- Curriculum;

- Educational working program;

- Educational technologies include:

- Amendments based on Order No. 80 of the SSV of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- approved diagnostic standards;

- international recommendations;

- modern educational technologies (graphic organizers, case technology and project method).

    The following technical supplies are available during training:

    A telecommunication system has been established, and video films, presentations, multimedia programs, lectures and practical exercises are shown using televisions connected to the central computer.There is a single bank of scanned images that are designed for unified teaching based on the curriculum and correspond to all the lessons of the curriculum.

    Department library:

    The staff of the department co-authored educational manuals in Uzbek language for the subjects of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Merchandising and Introduction to Specialization.

  • The library has more than 60 educational literature in English, Uzbek and Russian languages.
  • The electronic library includes textbooks, atlases, training manuals, teaching-methodical manuals, etc.